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And how is one to remember what one has done with one's Allowence, when it is mostly eaten up by Small Lones, Carfare, Stamps, Church Collection, Rose Water and Glicerine, and other Mild Cosmetics, and the aditional Food necesary when one is still growing?

"Hannah cannot mend your chemises any more, and as for your " "Mother!" I said, turning scarlet, for George who was the Butler, as Tanney had been found kissing Jane was at that moment bringing in the cheeze. "I am not going to interfere with your Allowence," she went on.

Be warned in time." But no sign came. I wrote the Check and sealed my doom. How weak is human nature! It is terrable to remember the rapture of that moment, and compare it with my condition now, with no Allowence, with my faith gone and my heart in fragments. And with, alas, another year of school.

I looked at him and I saw that, although smiling, he was one who could be trusted, even to the Grave. "Carter," I said. "It was I, although when you saw me I know not, as dogs are always getting in the way." I then told him about the pony cart, and the Allowence, and saving car fare. Also that I felt that I should have some pleasure, even if SUB ROSA, as the expression is.

For Tradgedy has crept into my life, so that somtimes I wonder if it is worth while to live on and suffer, especialy without an Allowence, and being again obliged to suplicate for the smallest things. But I am being brave. And, as Carter Brooks wrote me in a recent letter, acompanying a box of candy: "After all, Bab, you did your durndest. And if they do not understand, I do, and I'm proud of you.

My father, however, mearly sighed and observed: "So it has come at last!" "What has come at last?" I asked, but feeling that he meant Love. For although forty-two and not what he once was, he still remembers his Youth. But he refused to anser, and inquired politely if I felt to much grown-up, with the Allowence and so on, to be held on knees and occasionaly tickeled, as in other days.

Dear Dairy, you will have to be burned, I darsay. Perhaps it is as well. I have p o r e d out my H-e-a-r-t "MONEY is the root of all Evil." I do not know who said the above famous words, but they are true. I know it but to well. For had I never gone on an Allowence, and been in debt and always worried about the way silk stockings wear out, et cetera, I would be having a much better time.

We went in, and I purchaced a handsome tie for father, considering it but right thus to show my apreciation of his giving me the Allowence. It was seventy five cents, and I made out a check for the amount and took the tie with me. We left Jane soon after, as she insisted on adressing Tommy as dear child, or "MON ENFANT," and strolled on together, oblivious to the World, by the World forgot.

And in it were Tom, and that one who I had considered until that time my best and most intimite friend, Jane Raleigh. SANS fiancee, SANS friend, SANS reward and SANS Allowence, I turned and went back to my father, who was on the verandah and was now, with my mother and sister, all that I had left in the World. And my father said: "Well, here I am, around as usual.

Nor do I consider it fair to expect me to atend Social Functions and present a good appearence on a small Allowence, when I would often prefer a simple game of tennis or to lie in a hammick, or to converce with some one I am interested in, of the Other Sex. It was mother who said a Thousand dollars a year and no extras.