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It was enough for the present to know that she loved him. What if she were Hetty Glynn? What if she had been an artist's model? The look he had had into the soul of her through those pure blue eyes was all-convincing. She was worthy of the noblest love.

The desertion of the barbacan was an all-convincing proof of the very small number of the garrison; and though the immense thickness and solidity of the walls bespoke time, patience, and control, the English earl never wavered from his purpose, and by his firmness, his personal gallantry, his readily-bestowed approbation on all who demanded it, he contrived to keep his more impatient followers steadily to their task; while Nigel, to prevent the spirits of his men from sinking, would frequently lead them forth at night, and by a sudden attack annoy and often cut off many of the men stationed within the barbacan.

It was easy to perceive that the arguments he used were not of his own devising; they had been supplied by others, in whose opinion he had confidence; and though valueless and weak in reality, to him they were all-convincing and unanswerable, not the less, perhaps, that they offered that value to self-love which comes from attributing any evils we endure to causes outside and independent of ourselves.

"Shall we take a turn or two outside?" asked Denis. It was past midnight as the two climbed out of the cave into the night air. A cool north wind blew across the market-place. The bishop was filled with a sense a clear-cut, all-convincing sense of the screamingly funny insignificance of everything. Then he noticed the moon.

"Craftie," said the chief, "is what you are telling me true?" "Ask HER," answered Craftie, who knew that asseveration on her part was not all-convincing. "She speaks the truth, Macruadh," said the other. "I will take my oath to it." "Your word is enough," replied the chief, " as Craftie knew when she brought you with her."

But the Queen's guard, in the Queen's palace, can have but one mind to uphold her cause!" There was no other voice in all Cyprus so tender, so compelling, so magnetic, so all-convincing; the voice revealed her. "Dama Margherita de Iblin!" was echoed about the court in surprise. The news spread.

"Craftie," said the chief, "is what you are telling me true?" "Ask HER," answered Craftie, who knew that asseveration on her part was not all-convincing. "She speaks the truth, Macruadh," said the other. "I will take my oath to it." "Your word is enough," replied the chief, " as Craftie knew when she brought you with her."

And the worthlessness and the abjectness of earthly life struck him with awful and all-convincing power, and this vision of the worthlessness of existence was clearer than any previous vision. He paused. There was but one conclusion ... it looked down upon him like a star he would become a priest.

Solitary, and full of the heaviest sadness, she tried to think and to form plans but her mind was tired, and she could come to no decisive resolution beyond the one all-convincing necessity that of leaving Briar Farm. Of course she must go, there was no other alternative.