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Trio by Mozart, for piano, violin, and violoncello, performed by MM. Chopin, Alard, and Franchomme. Aria, sung by Mdlle. Antonia Molina di Mondi. Nocturne, | | composed and performed by M. Chopin. Barcarole, | Air, sung by Mdlle. Antonia Molina di Mondi. Etude, | | composed and performed by M. Chopin. Berceuse, |

He was the winner of numerous prizes, and he also wrote a great deal of music for the violin. His greatest pupil was Sarasate. Alard married the daughter of Vuillaume, one of the best violin makers of France, and through him became the owner of one of the most beautiful Stradivarius violins. Alard died in Paris, February 22, 1881.

Among Viotti's most prominent pupils were Roberrechts, Pixis, Alday le jeune, Cartier, Rode, Mori, Durand, and Baillot, also Mlle. Gerbini and Madame Paravicini. Roberrechts became the teacher of De Bériot, who in turn taught Vieuxtemps, Teresa Milanollo, and Lauterbach. Baillot taught Habeneck, who taught Alard, Léonard, Prume, Cuvillon, and Mazas.

Thibaud does not see any great difference between the ideals of la grande école belge, that of Vieuxtemps, De Bériot, Léonard, Massart and Marsick, whose greatest present-day exponent is Eugène Ysaye, and the French. Himself a pupil of Marsick, he inherited the French traditions of Alard through his father, who was Alard's pupil and handed them on to his son.

Alard, Dancla, and Maurin were exponents of the French school, while in that of Belgium we have De Bériot, Massart, Vieuxtemps, Léonard, Wieniawski.

Only Chopin can make Chopin understood: all those who were present at the seance of Wednesday are convinced of this as well as we. The programme announced first a trio of Mozart, which Chopin, Alard, and Franchomme executed in such a manner that one despairs of ever hearing it again so well performed.

Among noted exponents of the French school may be mentioned Alard and his pupil Sarasate, Dancla and Sauret. Among his famous pupils are Dr. Joseph Joachim, known as one of the musical giants of the nineteenth century; August Wilhelmj, the favorite of Wagner, and Carl Gaertner, who, with his violin has done so much to cultivate a taste for classical music in Philadelphia.

From Alard we have Sarasate, and from Léonard, Marsick and Dengremont, while through Rode we have Böhm, and from him a large number of eminent violinists, including G. Hellmesberger, Ernst, Dont, Singer, L. Strauss, Joachim, Rappoldi. Some of them we shall refer to at length as great performers, others were celebrated more as teachers.

Thomas of Canterbury within which are the tombs of Gervase Alard and his grandson Stephen. They were the most noted sailors of their time, and Gervase in 1300 was admiral of the fleet of the Cinque Ports, his grandson Stephen appearing as admiral in 1324. These were the earliest admirals known in England, the title, derived from the Arabic amir, having been imported from Sicily.

On that occasion he executed Paganini's B minor concerto, and aroused immense enthusiasm, although he played immediately after Alard, who was at that time a prime favourite. During his later years Sivori lived in retirement, and he died February 18, 1894. He was the first person allowed to play on the celebrated violin which Paganini bequeathed to the city of Genoa.