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Description of the towns and cities of the Interior, and those of the Kingdom of Fez. Seisouan. Wazen. Zawiat. Muley Dris. Sofru. Dubdu. Taza. Oushdah. Agla. Nakbila. Meshra. Khaluf. The Places distinguished in. Morocco, including Sous, Draka, and Tafilett. Tefza. Pitideb. Ghuer. Tyijet. Bulawan. Soubeit Meramer. El-Medina. Tagodast. Dimenet. Aghmat. Fronga. Tedmest. Tekonlet. Tesegdelt. Tagawost.

In southern Morocco, with its capital at Aghmát, on the Atlas slopes, was formed what later grew to be the kingdom of Marrákesh, the city of that name being founded in the middle of the eleventh century. Towards the close of the thirteenth, the kingdoms of Fez and Marrákesh became united under one ruler, whose successor, after numerous dynastic changes, is the Sultan of Morocco now.

Aghmat, formerly a great and flourishing city and capital of the province of Rhamna, built by the Berbers, and well fortified is now fallen into decay, and consists only of a miserable village inhabited by some sixty families, among which are a few Jews Aghmat lies at the foot of Mount Atlas, on the road which conducts to Tafilett, near a river of the same name, and in the midst of a fine country abounding in orchards and vine-yards; Aghmat was the first capital of the Marabout dynasty.

Description of the towns and cities of the Interior, and those of the Kingdom of Fez. Seisouan. Wazen. Zawiat. Muley Dris. Sofru. Dubdu. Taza. Oushdah. Agla. Nakbila. Meshra. Khaluf. The Places distinguished in. Morocco, including Sous, Draka, and Tafilett. Tefza. Pitideb. Ghuer. Tyijet. Bulawan. Soubeit Meramer. El-Medina. Tagodast. Dimenet. Aghmat. Fronga. Tedmest. Tekonlet. Tesegdelt. Tagawost.