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I don't think you realize the constant pressure of hard work that is ageing us and wearing us out, before our day. "As I said, we have to watch the liquor interest constantly to see that the liquor dealers suffer no loss we have to do that, of course."

I need not follow the history of their intimacy, of which I saw, indeed, no more than my neighbours. On two points all accounts of it agree: the rapid ageing of the man during this period and the improvement in the poor girl's intellect.

My last glimpse ... the old man I remember now how the grey had spread through his beard he was growing old it had been ageing labour. He stood there at his laboratory door and the mountain spouted and thundered behind. "'We will a name-to-suit-properly gif it, he said, as I left him. 'It shall make us as the gods. We will call it celestium. "I left him there smiling. Smiling happily.

The very effort she had to make in conveying the impression to Mrs Fyne, in remembering the details, in finding adequate words or any words at all was in itself a terribly enlightening, an ageing process. She had talked a long time, uninterrupted by Mrs Fyne, childlike enough in her wonder and pain, pausing now and then to interject the pitiful query: "It was cruel of her.

That world of enervating illusion, that 'kind of ghastly dreaminess, 'as John Sterling called it, in which since his return he had lived with Elise, was gone, he knew not how swept away like a cloud from the brain, a mist from the eyes. The sense of catastrophe, of things irrevocable and irreparable, the premature ageing of the whole man, remained-only the fever and the restlessness were past.

And so great is the effect of giving up a habit, the cigar and the two gulps of wine made him giddy, and brought on palpitations of the heart, so that he was obliged to take bromide. Before going to bed, Tanya said to him: "Father adores you. You are cross with him about something, and it is killing him. Look at him; he is ageing, not from day to day, but from hour to hour.

Who could deny Fred the right to visit his great-aunt and his great-uncle, both rapidly ageing? And of what use to tell John? She desired Ethel's happiness, but from that moment she felt like an accomplice in the furtive wooing, and it seemed to her that she had forfeited both the confidence of her husband and the respect of her daughter.

There was a touch of autumn in the air, and a black frost of the night before had left the sidewalks carpeted with the mottled roans and yellows and russets of the fallen leaves. Summer was over and gone. And all life, in some way, seemed to have aged with the ageing of the year.

She lay in bed half the morning, dawdled over her breakfast, and trailed her way from place to place, ageing too, with marvellous celerity. Sunk in the mire as Gervase was, he noted the transformation in his wife with discomposure and vexation. It fretted him always, and infuriated him at times, to discover that she was likely to justify his contempt by proving a poor wife after all.

The July sun was powerful, but to ageing men the warmth and vital influences of the orb of day are welcome, precious, and salutary.