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There would be something beyond mere practical wisdom in such law-giving, an exquisite sense of the pathos of human life and its requirements; scapulars, indulgences and sacraments are needed by the weak and the ageing, sacraments especially. "They make you believe but they stupefy you;" these words are Pascal's, the great light of the Catholic Church.

It came out by itself, as the spout of a teapot had once come off by itself in her hand. The accident policy appeared to provide for every emergency except measles. The sick-room all due solemnity and importance must be imported into the significance of that word the sick-room became a shrine, served by two ageing priestesses and a naïve acolyte.

Several long years passed by; years of sorrow for the ageing man, pining for his departed daughter. One beautiful October day he was sitting in the very same pavilion where he had so often sat with his darling. His head was bowed forward on his breast, his forehead was lined with grief. A rustling of leaves attracted his attention. He looked up. Standing directly in front of him was Dr.

You know how old I am." "Perhaps you've been ageing lately. I have. This last election has added years to my life. I came here to get young again." "I don't know anything about politics. Father does all the knowing in our family." "He's on the right side, isn't he?" "I think he is. He says he is." "Oh, well, he ought to know.... Yes, the truth is I came here to be liked again.

"I'm older, my friend, years older than when you used to know me. And then I'm suffering from a serious bereavement, too. I've lost my good opinion of myself." "Perhaps I can be of some help in restoring it to you." "That is the question.... Besides ageing immensely, I'm also getting frightfully modern, you see...."

Yaverland was leading her very quickly along towards the North Bridge, and she was now nothing but a dark shape that might, he thought with a glee that he did not understand, have belonged to some ageing woman with a bony body and a sallow face.

Or you may find more touching proof of the ageing effect of worry, in the careworn face of the man of thirty with a growing family and an uncertain income; or the thin figure and bloodless cheek which testify to the dull weight ever resting on the heart of the poor widow who goes out washing, and leaves her little children in her poor garret under the care of one of eight years old.

They worked their utmost together each in his own way: the one young, and with his young body firmly set, quick to see his way, to mark out the stones that would suit; the other ageing tough, with long arms, and a mighty weight to bear down on a crowbar.

It was not that he did not believe all his investments were secure, could he only weather the gale, but there was an immediate need of ready money which it seemed absolutely impossible to obtain. Day by day his daughter saw him ageing perceptibly. She knew worry was the cause of this, and she knew the events that were happening in different parts of the world must seriously embarrass her father.

Sarratt, if yo please. I'm just thankful they're gone ... An have ye heard this day of Mr. Sarratt? The gentle ageing face bent forward tenderly. Nelly lifted her own dark-rimmed eyes to it Her mouth quivered. 'No, not yet, Mrs. Grayson. But I shall soon. You'll have seen about this fighting in the newspapers? There's been a great battle I think he'll have been in it. I shall hear to-night.