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‘Tom!’ exclaimed Parsons, after a few minutes’ consideration, ‘just put the horse in, will you?—Tell the gentleman that I shall be there almost as soon as you are,’ he continued, addressing the sheriff-officer’s Mercury. ‘Werry well,’ replied that important functionary; adding, in a confidential manner, ‘I’d adwise the gen’lm’n’s friends to settle.

So don't tell no more on 'em, Pip, and live well and die happy." "You are not angry with me, Joe?" "No, old chap. But bearing in mind that them were which I meantersay of a stunning and outdacious sort, alluding to them which bordered on weal-cutlets and dog-fighting, a sincere well-wisher would adwise, Pip, their being dropped into your meditations, when you go up stairs to bed.

We pulled up to grub at the Feathers at Merstham, and 'artily glad I was, for I was far on to famish, having ridden whole twenty-five miles in a cold, frosty air without morsel of wittles of any sort. When the Bart. pulled up, he said, "Now, ladies and gentlemen twenty minutes allowed here, and let me adwise you to make the most of it."

I adwises th' young Buckskin t' order 's coffin." Just then he perceived me, and touched his cap, something abashed. "With submission, sir, y'r honour'll take an old man's adwise an' not go near 'im." Pollux's appearance, indeed, was not calculated to reassure me. He looked ugly to exaggeration, his ears laid back and his nostrils as big as crowns, and his teeth bared time and time.

"I'm a country clergyman myself, and have no duty in London." "Well, that's where they've took her down in the country. I make no doubt but you've had your finger in that pie. You don't come here to call upon us for the pleasure o' makin' our acquaintance ha! ha! ha! You're allus arter somethin' troublesome. I'd adwise you, sir and miss, to let well alone.

I adwises th' young Buckskin t' order 's coffin." Just then he perceived me, and touched his cap, something abashed. "With submission, sir, y'r honour'll take an old man's adwise an' not go near 'im." Pollux's appearance, indeed, was not calculated to reassure me. He looked ugly to exaggeration, his ears laid back and his nostrils as big as crowns, and his teeth bared time and time.

Don't let it tumble off your knees, now; I'd adwise you to lower 'em for the time bein'. Here's the spoon; it ain't as bright as I could wish, but you can't expect much of pewter; an' the napkin that's your sort; an' the bit of bread which it isn't too much for a 'ealthy happetite. Now then, granny, go in and win!" "So like," murmured the old woman, as she gazed in Slidder's face.

Blobbs, who was in charge of the shop, and that any discussions with him as to the price would be useless. "You're an Hinglishnan, I take it," came from the lowest dot of the five, a blurred and uncertain mouth. Dalton colored slightly and nodded. "Well, what I should adwise ye to do is to take this 'ere lace to some of them hold furnitoor shops. I know what this is.

"Strikes me we arn't done with him yet, and if I might adwise, I should say as Mr Frewen ought to be sent down below with some of his doctor's stuff to pyson that chap like you would a rat, for there'll never be no peace while he's aboard. Hah!" he continued, smacking his lips.

Pickwick, 'the first thing to be done is to 'Order dinner, Sir, interposed Mr. Weller. 'It's wery late, sir. 'Ah, so it is, said Mr. Pickwick, looking at his watch. 'You are right, Sam. 'And if I might adwise, Sir, added Mr.