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Sympathy cannot feast in a palace while the poor famish. Selfishness can stop its ears with wax lest it hear the groan of the poor, but sympathy is knitted in with its kind. Lincoln worked as hard to help men as slave masters did to recover a fugitive to bondage. It has been beautifully said that he did kind deeds stealthily, as if he were afraid of being found out.

Therefore, "some say they could see no timbers of ten foot diameter, some the country is all wood; others they drained all the springs and ponds dry, yet like to famish for want of fresh water; some of the danger of the ratell-snake." To compel all the Indians to furnish them corn without using them cruelly they say is impossible.

"Me bin catch traveller," he said triumphantly, claiming his rewards, "Me bin come back two fellow sleep"; and before we could explain that was hardly what we had meant, the man had ridden up. "Heard you were doing a famish here, sitting with your tongues hanging out," he laughed, "so I've brought you a few more raisins."

They want a speaker. They want a voice, though never so rude, to put their stern inarticulate purpose 'into some frame. 'You are all resolved rather TO DIE than TO FAMISH, continues the first speaker. Yes, that is it precisely; he has spoken the word. 'RESOLVED! RESOLVED! is the common response; for the revolutionary point is touched here.

"Will your go to your wife now?" he had asked and Richard had replied with a strange indifference. The baronet thought it better that their meeting should be private, and sent word for Lucy to wait upstairs. The others perceived that father and son should now be left alone. Adrian went up to him, and said: "I can no longer witness this painful sight, so Good-night, Sir Famish!

"Whither, lord?" "First to Winisfarne, and thence south to Belsaye, with every lusty fellow we can muster. How think you?" "I think the time is not yet, master." "Wherefore?" "For that though things go well with thee and thy cause, yet shall they go better anon." "Nevertheless, Roger, within the hour we march. So come, first let us eat, for I do famish."

Unless, like the King of Babylon, they were to eat grass in the fashion of beasts, it seemed they must soon famish. But late in summertime they saw before them a wall of mountain, and in three days climbed by its defiles to a pleasant land, where once more they found the dwellings of man.

In deciding upon the destruction of Moscow, his principal aim was not to famish the enemy, since he had contrived to clear that great city of provisions; nor to deprive the French army of shelter, since it was impossible to suppose that out of eight thousand houses and churches, dispersed over so vast a space, there should not be left buildings enough to serve as barracks for one hundred and fifty thousand men.

To have them say, 'While you dream we go hungry! and 'What good will it do us if there is India, while we famish in Spain? and 'You love us not, or you would become a prosperous sea captain! Not one year but eighteen, eighteen, since I saw in vision the sun set not behind water but behind vale and hill and mountain and cities rich beyond counting, and smelled the spice draught from the land!"

"For that within doth lie, first our supper " "O foolish youth, these woods do teem with food!" "A neat's tongue, delicately seasoned " "O!" said Beltane. "'Twixt manchets of fair white bread " "Ah!" said Beltane. "With a small skin of rare wine " "Enough!" quoth Beltane. "These be things forsooth worth a little risk. Now do I thirst and famish, yet knew it not." "An thou wilt eat, my lord?"