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Geradas answered with a smile, "How can an adulterer be found in Sparta?" This is the account we have of their marriages. It was not left to the father to rear what children he pleased, but he was obliged to carry the child to a place called Lesche, to be examined by the most ancient men of the tribe, who were assembled there.

If it were possible for human eye to discern and to detect the thoughts that flutter around the heart of an unregenerate manto mark their hue and their multitude, it would be found that they are indeed ‘evil.’ We speak not of the thief, and the murderer, and the adulterer, and such like, whose crimes draw down the cognizance of earthly tribunals, and whose unenviable character it is to take the lead in the paths of sin; but we refer to the men who are marked out by their practice of many of the seemliest moralities of lifeby the exercise of the kindliest affections, and the interchange of the sweetest reciprocitiesand of these men, if unrenewed and unchanged, we pronounce that their thoughts are evil.

Is it credible that a Being supernaturally wise and good, proclaimed the murderous adulterer David, a man after his own heart, and commanded the wholesale butchery of Canaanites? Or that a God of boundless power, 'whose tender mercies are over all his works, decreed the extermination of entire nations for being what he made them? Jehovah did all three.

It may seem, also, that the former love wisdom, but they do so only as an adulterer loves a noble woman, that is, as mistress, speaking caressingly to her and giving her beautiful garments, but saying of her privately to himself, "She is only a vile harlot whom I will make believe that I love because she gratifies my lust; if she should not, I would cast her away."

I stopped thinking about killing him, and wanted to kill myself." She put out her hand to him silently and he took it in his. "Then, quite unexpectedly, he asked me if I was happy. Happy! In that strife! I found myself telling him and I'd just called him a damned adulterer, mind! all about it, the awful fighting, the awful losing, and the hunger. And I knew he would understand all of it.

"Shall the adulterer alone perish? Shall the adultress escape?" The fiend answered with tremulous but stern passion "She shall surely die!"

To the citizen of that time the idea of the chief of the Olympian gods was not of a rollicking despot, angry and jovial by turns, a delighter in thunderbolts, a cloud-compeller, a reckless adulterer: he was the awful personification of the majesty of law, mighty to impose its decrees and mighty to avenge its disregarded sanctions who, brought near to the city, was worshiped as Jupiter Capitolinus, majestic as the conservator of civil and social order.

Encouraged by imperial patronage, and stimulated by a desire to rid himself of disgrace by sullying the hands that had branded him, the excommunicated cardinal did not hesitate to call the Pope a heretic, an adulterer, a sanguinary beast of prey. The emperor himself knew Gregory too well to believe such a tissue of absurdity; but he hoped to find others more credulous than himself.

His passion for mere effect has reacted unfavourably on himself.* *His play "Die Letzten" was put on at the "Deutsches Theater," Berlin, 6 September 1910. The press despatch says, "The father is a police inspector, drunkard, gambler, briber, bribe-taker, adulterer, and robber." Is it possible that success robbed him of something?

The latter are in obscurity respecting all the derivations of the love of the sex, whereas the former are enlightened respecting them: nevertheless, those who are in adultery, can see those derivations and their distinctions, not indeed in and from themselves, but from others when they hear them: for an adulterer has a similar faculty with a chaste husband of elevating his understanding; but an adulterer, after he has acknowledged the distinctions which he has heard from others, nevertheless forgets them, when he immerses his understanding in his filthy pleasure; for the chaste and the unchaste principles, and the sane and the insane, cannot dwell together; but, when separated, they may be distinguished by the understanding.