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And that is why his disrespectful pupil occasionally gives him the nickname of Cornaro! I have not time to see anything else in this volume than Abstinentia adjicit vitam; but this motto of the noble Venetian I have no intention of putting in practice, at least at breakfast time. There is no change in the order in which we sit down to table.

Adjicit auctoritatem fortuna Semnonum: centum pagis habitantur; magnoque corpore efficitur, ut se Suevorum caput credant. XL. Contra Langobardos paucitas nobilitat: plurimis ac valentissimis nationibus cincti, non per obsequium, sed proeliis et periclitando tuti sunt.

Cicero, Ep. These philosophers say that it is not enough to have the soul seated in a good place, of a good temper, and well disposed to virtue; it is not enough to have our resolutions and our reasoning fixed above all the power of fortune, but that we are, moreover, to seek occasions wherein to put them to the proof: they would seek pain, necessity, and contempt to contend with them and to keep the soul in breath: "Multum sibi adjicit virtus lacessita."

Ann. 1, 13: cum Tiberii genua advolveretur; also lavantur, 22. Eo tanquam. Has reference to this point, as if, i.e. to this opinion, viz. that thence, etc. Cf. illuc respicit tanquam, 12. Inde From the grove, or the god of the grove. Cf. 3: Tuisconem ... originem gentis. Adjicit auctoritatem, sc. isti superstitioni. Magno corpore==reipublicae magnitudine. Corpore, the body politic.

Regia utilitas est==regibus utile est. XLV. Pigrum. Cf. A. 10: pigrum et grave. The Northern or Frozen Ocean, of which T. seems to have heard, though some refer it to the northern part of the Baltic. See Ky. in loc. Hinc. For this reason, viz. quod extremus, etc. In ortus. Plin. Sonum aspici. The aurora borealis, some suppose. Persuasio adjicit.