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Douglas informs me that there are three British species, in which the male is black or marked with black bands, whilst the females are pale-coloured or obscure. The males in the three saltatorial families in this Order are remarkable for their musical powers, namely the Achetidae or crickets, the Locustidae for which there is no equivalent English name, and the Acridiidae or grasshoppers.

Acclimatisation, difference of, in different races of men. Achetidae, stridulation of the; rudimentary stridulating organs in female. Acilius sulcatus, elytra of the female. Acomus, development of spurs in the female of. Acridiidae, stridulation of the; rudimentary stridulating organs in female. Acromio-basilar muscle, and quadrupedal gait. Acting. Actiniae, bright colours of.

Scrope, on the pugnacity of the male salmon; on the battles of stags. Scudder, S.H., imitation of the stridulation of the Orthoptera; on the stridulation of the Acridiidae; on a Devonian insect; on stridulation. Sculpture, expression of the ideal of beauty by. Sea-anemones, bright colours of. Sea-bear, polygamous. Sea-elephant, male, structure of the nose of the; polygamous. Sea-lion, polygamous.

Landois, H., gnats attracted by sound; on the production of sound by the Cicadae; on the stridulating organ of the crickets; on Decticus; on the stridulating organs of the Acridiidae; stridulating apparatus, in Orthoptera; on the stridulation of Necrophorus; on the stridulant organ of Cerambyx heros; on the stridulant organ of Geotrupes; on the stridulating organs in the Cleoptera; on the ticking of Anobium.

The music in the males of the Acridiidae is produced by the scraping of the long hind thighs against the horny nervures of the outer edges of the wing-cases; a drum- shaped organ placed in a cavity near the insertion of the thighs being adapted to give resonance to the tones. I obtained very few birds at Obydos. There was no scarcity of birds, but they were mostly common Cayenne species.

Landois has observed another important fact, namely, that in the females of the Acridiidae, the stridulating teeth on the femora remain throughout life in the same condition in which they first appear during the larval state in both sexes.

Landois also found such rudiments on the under surface of the wing-covers of the female Achetidae, and on the femora of the female Acridiidae.

In the last and third family, namely the Acridiidae or grasshoppers, the stridulation is produced in a very different manner, and according to Dr. Scudder, is not so shrill as in the preceding Families. He does not play both fiddles together, but alternately, first upon one and then on the other."