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When I fight near town I usually fire a hundred or so in Manton's back shop, but I dare say I can find my way to his waistcoat. But I confess that I am somewhat accable, by all that has befallen us. To think of my dear old friend being not only alive, but innocent as well! And that he should have such a strapping son and heir to carry on the race of Avon!

The smouldering fire of discontent broke into fierce flame on August 25th, 1830, in the city of Brussels, during a performance of the opera "Muette de Portici," when the tenor was singing the inspired words of Massaniello: "Plutôt mourir que rester misérable, Pour un esclave est-il quelque danger? Tombe le joug qui nous accable, Et sous nos coups périsse l'étranger.

You would have thought, to hear me, that for drawing, breadth, finish, color, composition, chiaroscuro, and every other merit that a painting could possess, this particular chef-d'oeuvre excelled all the masterpieces of Europe. Müller bowed, and bowed, and bowed, like a Chinaman at a visit of ceremony; He was more than proud; he was overwhelmed, accablé, et caetera, et caetera.

Margot's modesty! "It is very extraordinary," said he, "very extraordinary, for I have no time to give myself up to those affairs; it is not, Monsieur, as if I had your leisure to employ all the little preliminary arts of creating la belle passion. Non, Monsieur, I go to church, to the play, to the Tuilleries, for a brief relaxation and me voila partout accable with my good fortune. "Bah!

Green burst out into one of those peals so peculiarly British. "Ah, le pauvre Professeur!" cried she. "He is too absurd!" "He tells me," said I, gravely, "that he is quite accable with his bonnes fortunes possibly he flatters himself that even you are not perfectly inaccessible to his addresses." "Tell me, Mr. Pelham," said the fair Mrs.

"What a concourse!" he cried, casting up his eyes with an expression of half-dying fatigue, "are you not accable? for my part, I hardly respire. I have really hardly ever had the honour of being so obsede before." "We can make very good room, Sir," said Morrice, "if you chuse to come in."

* "Chacun se concentre aujourdhui dans sa famille et calcule ses resources." "The attention of every one now is confined to his family, and to the calculation of his resources." Discours de Lindet. "Accable du soin d'etre, et du travail de vivre." "Overwhelmed with the care of existence, and the labour of living." St. Lambert

Green burst out into one of those peals so peculiarly British. "Ah, le pauvre Professeur!" cried she. "He is too absurd!" "He tells me," said I, gravely, "that he is quite accable with his bonnes fortunes possibly he flatters himself that even you are not perfectly inaccessible to his addresses." "Tell me, Mr. Pelham," said the fair Mrs.

Margot's modesty! "It is very extraordinary," said he, "very extraordinary, for I have no time to give myself up to those affairs; it is not, Monsieur, as if I had your leisure to employ all the little preliminary arts of creating la belle passion. Non, Monsieur, I go to church, to the play, to the Tuilleries, for a brief relaxation and me voila partout accable with my good fortune. "Bah!

"We should have been very happy," said Mrs Harrel, "to have seen you; I assure you we had some excellent masks." "So I have heard partout, and I am reduced to despair that I could not have the honour of sliding in. But I was accable with affairs all day. Nothing could be so mortifying."