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"An' ye air goin' ter take ter the woods ef ye don't?" demanded the surveyor, incredulously. "Thought ye war goin' ter keep store?" "Waal, I dun'no'; jes talkin' round," said Nehemiah, posed beyond recuperation. "I mus' be a-joggin', ennyhow. Time's a-wastin'."

"We'll pass Blenkins's on the way, and we'll stop and see if this chap can slip through the window-pane. If he can't, it's a point in his favor, and if he can, it's a point against him. As we go, we can try to get him to tell who the other burglars are." "Kem on, bubby; we can't stand hyar no longer, a-wastin' the time an' a-burnin' of daylight," said the constable.

Weller, shaking his head gravely; 'and wot aggrawates me, Samivel, is to see 'em a-wastin' all their time and labour in making clothes for copper-coloured people as don't want 'em, and taking no notice of flesh-coloured Christians as do. If I'd my vay, Samivel, I'd just stick some o' these here lazy shepherds behind a heavy wheelbarrow, and run 'em up and down a fourteen-inch-wide plank all day.

"'Er petticoat was yaller, an' 'er little cap was green. An' 'er name was Supi-yaw-lat jes' the same as Theebaw's Queen, An' I seed her first a-smokin' of a whackin' white cheroot. An' a-wastin' Christian kisses on a 'eathen idol's foot." They are all there in Rangoon yet the gorgeous coloring of the lady's raiment, her cheroots, and the heathen idols "Bloomin' idol made o' mud.

Paul saw the Indians running along the shore, and now and then taking a shot at the canoe. But the bullets always fell short. "Foolish! Plumb foolish," said Jim Hart, "a-wastin' good powder an' good lead in sech a fashion!" "That one struck nearer," said Paul, as a little jet of water spurted up in the lake. "Keep her off, Jim. A bullet that is not wasted might come along directly."

And then she looked as if she was tempted to reveal some secret that she was bound not to tell. 'Sinfi's been very bad, she went on, 'but she's better now. Her daddy says she's under a cuss. She's been a-wastin' away like, but she's better now. 'So it's Sinfi who is under a curse now, I said to myself. 'I suppose Superstition has at last turned her brain.

"Hit's sure been a-wastin' of 'em on me," agreed Judy. "'Fore God, I don't sense what he's a-talkin' 'bout, more'n half the time." Brian laughed. "Judy is prophetic, Auntie Sue. She voices perfectly the sentiment of the world toward any book I might write." Auntie Sue detected a note of bitterness underlying the laughing comment, and wondered.

"I'd begun ter hope thet atter all a leader hed done riz up amongst us, but I sees when ye talks erbout peace ye means a peace fer other folks thet don't bind ner hamper yoreself. Thar hain't nuthin' but folly in seekin' ter build on a quicksand like thet." "I told ye fust-off thet we war a-wastin' time an' breath," broke out Opdyke, furiously.