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He give me a pound, but that don't come in the reckonin'. Hay was £3, wood fifteen shillin', men's time £1, beer two shillin', odds and ends five shillin', nails four-pence, twine a ha'penny, makin' £5, 2s. 4-1/2d. I've a-took off £1, leavin' £4 2s. 4-1/2d." "Very well. Here's a s-stamp." The farmer receipted the bill. "Thank'ee, sir."

"If the Lord has a grievance agen me for settin' too much o' my heart on the old Pass By, He've a-took out o' me all the satisfaction He's likely to get. 'Tisn' like the man that built a new Jericho an' set up the foundations thereof 'pon his first-born an' the gates 'pon his youngest. The cases don't tally; for my son an' gran'son went down together in th' old boat, an' I got nobody left."

"My sweetheart han't a-took up wi' anybody else she've a-been faithful and true." "What's that?" inquired Mrs. Baverstock, coming forward, her little black eyes looking ready to start from her head. "Tis a kind of a little joke what me and Billy have a-got between us about my sweetheart. There, he can tell 'ee the tale while we're eatin'. This 'ere be my mother, Billy. This be Mr.

'Course, ever' marster warnt as free handed as our'n was. "I warnt learnt nothin' in no book. Don't think I'd a-took to it, nowhow. Dey learnt de house servants to read. Us fiel' han's never knowed nothin' 'cept weather an' dirt an' to weigh cotton. Us was learnt to figger a little, but dat's all.

"I reckon if Samson South hadn't a-took this hyar hankerin' atter larnin', an' had stayed home 'stid of rainbow chasin', the old man would still be able-bodied, 'stid of dyin' of a broken heart an' you " The girl's cheeks flushed. Her violet eyes became deep with a loyal and defensive glow. "Ye mustn't say things like them, Brother Spencer." Her voice was very firm and soft.

Lord, what sounds I've heerd! The devil's i' the hearse, for sure!" "Now, Simmy," the one-ey'd gaffer expostulated, "thou dostn' think the smoky King is a-took in, same as they poor folks upstairs? Tee- hee! Lord, what a trick! to come for Master Tingcomb, an' find aw dear! aw, bless my old ribs, what a thing is humor!" "Shut up!" grunted the minister.

An' now they've a-took my l'il heap o' stones!" Ballast?" He turned to the seaman. "Did I not tell Captain Pomery to ballast with wine?" "We were carrying it all the forenoon," the seaman answered. "There was two hogsheads of claret." "And the hogshead of Madeira, with what remained of the brown sherry?

They'd a-took our hosses an' our guns an' our meat, an' been blame apt not to a-fergot our hair, too, if they hadn't got the idee that Juan was too much fer 'em. I'll bet they won't come down in there again in a hundred years'" "I felt sad for them," said Franklin soberly. Curly smiled slowly.

I wouldn't a-took to the tall grass, me." "On the other hand, I played a system invented by myself and Henri L'Olonnois." "I never heard of him. Well, anyhow, you were rich enough to afford to do what you liked. But as to keeping it secret, you can't do that any longer. Those newspaper fellows are the devil to get hold of things.

She was what you might call the leading lady in the Forest Queen dance-hall, the Sage-Brush Hen was; and if you wanted fun, and had to choose between her and a basket of monkeys, all I've got to say is nobody'd ever a-took the monkeys who knowed the Hen!