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Ay, and it's Saint Paul, too; ne'er a doubt of it. I reckernizes them there hummicks a-stickin' up out of the back of it. And I reckon that it's just about fourteen mile away which brings your calcilations right to a hapigraphy. Well, well, hedication's a most wonderful thing, and no mistake.

The dialog on the bank continued. "Thar, you kin see thar air men in a canoe," said the first voice. "I can't see nothin' o' the kind," replied the other. "If hit ain't a log with three dead limbs, hit's a piece o' barn-timber with the j'ists a-stickin' up." "I don't believe hit nary mite. Hit's men, an' I'm a-gwine t' shoot." "No, yo' hain't gwine t' make a durned fool o' yourself. Wait a minute.

"There won't neither him nor Burr say a word," said the old man, "but there was Burr's knife a-stickin' into Lot's side, with his name cut into it." Madelon turned sharply to Louis. "You saw the blood on my hand when I was rubbing your arm last night," she said. He made no reply, but stared gloomily at the fire. "Louis, you saw Lot Gordon's blood on my hand?"

"It seems to me his hands should be Austerely clasped in front, With both thumbs pointing toward the ground," Said Reverend Doctor Blunt. "Las' year I fell in Hodgkin's well Head first," said Cyrus Brown, "With both my heels a-stickin' up, My head a-p'inting down, "An' I made a prayer right then an' there Best prayer I ever said, The prayingest prayer I ever prayed, A-standing on my head."

"The widow Pingree, from over Sharon way, she's so wasteful, I declare it makes my blood run cold to see her cuttin' and slashin' into good cloth; and Emerline Johnson she's so scantin', the menfolks all looks like scarecrows, with their legs and arms a-stickin' out. Mirandy's got faculty."

That little rat if it hadn't been for that little barefooted rat with his scalp-lock a-stickin' up through a tear in his hat, most likely you'd never so much as heard of Suez! For that little chap was John March!"

Well, every now and then, when a feller goes to look for his horse, he sees his tail a-stickin' right out an eend, from one of these honey pots, and wavin' like a head of broom corn; and sometimes you see two or three trapped there, e'enamost smothered, everlastin' tired, half swimmin' half wadin', like rats in a molasses cask.

"Waal, you heerd Tom Davis' blab this evenin'; an' you know that Bob's got the idee into his intelleck that the cuss of a sart'in man as he onct wronged is a-stickin' to him yit, an' never will let loose till he passes in his checks?" "Who was the man?" "Boone Randolph, of Booneville." "My father?" "Yaas, yer pap. He's down powerful on your pap, that's sart'in.

Why, sir, it's the first time you've ever been away from me since you took me on; and the dreams I've had is enough to drive a body fair dotty. I've seen parties a-stickin' knives in your back and puttin' poison in your food and doin' the Lord knows wot not to you, sir; and every blessed nerve in my body has been a doin' of a constant shake like a jelly-fish on a cold day."

Theer 's the Hickses, an' Chowns, an' Coomstocks all a-stickin' up theer tails an' a-purrin' an' a-rubbin' theerselves against the door-posts of the plaace like cats what smells feesh. I won't have none of it. I'll dwell along wi' she an' play a husband's part, an' comfort the decline of her like a man, I warn 'e." "Why, Mrs. Coomstock 's not so auld as all that, Billy," said Phoebe.