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'Well, explained Simeon Samuels, 'occasionally a captain or first mate will come back to England, home, and beauty, and will have neglected to buy foreign presents for his womenkind. I then remind him of the weakness of womenkind for such trophies of their menfolks' travel. 'Excellent. I won't tell your competitors. 'Oh, those cattle! Simeon snapped his fingers.

"It's about time you was a comin' over," replied the woman in the doorway; "I was a tellin' the menfolks this mornin' that you hadn't been nigh the whole blessed week. Mr. Matthews 'lowed maybe you was sick." The other returned with a gay laugh, "I was never sick a minute in my life that anybody ever heard tell. I'm powerful hungry, though. You'd better put in another pan of corn bread."

"He is the pleasantest-looking young gentleman I have ever seen, and we know that he is one of the bravest; and though he is a Prussian officer, there is not a bit of stiffness about him. Well, I only hope it is true." "I would not count on it too much," one of the older women said. "You never can take menfolks' opinions on such matters.

He had been brought up on a farm, where, during a part of the year it was the custom for the "menfolks" to rise between four and five o'clock in the morning to begin the labors of the day. His old habit clung to him, and at five o'clock, when Tom and Ferguson were yet asleep, Mr. Onthank sprang from his leafy couch refreshed and vigorous.

"What he said sort of got lost in the way he was saying it. How some of those preachers do hop and skip about!" "I like to hear a preacher who acts like he's fighting bees," said Abe. Sarah nodded. The description fitted the preacher "like his own moccasin," she said. "You menfolks wait outside," she added. "Soon as the gals and I get the dishes done, we'll be out to hear Abe preachify."

When Lou awakened the next morning at dawn it was her turn to find herself deserted, but the fact failed to arouse any misgivings in her mind. She had found in her brief experience with menfolks that they were mostly queer, one way or another, but this one was dependable, and she felt no doubt that he would turn up when he got ready.

I'm expecting that he'll now invent a lie about himself or Britt or somebody else to make that girl either sorry enough or mad enough to carry out what gossip is predicting." Xoa had seated herself at the small table and was vigorously rattling the dice in one of the boxes by way of a hint to the laggard menfolks.

Not that he hasn't plenty of grit," went on Freddy's chum, hastily. "He's as plucky a little chap as I ever saw. But he's been used to having life soft and easy. He is the 'big bug' sort. "His father left him?" repeated Dan's companion. "Why?" "Don't know," answered Dan. "Just naturally a 'quitter, I guess. Lots of menfolks are. Want a free foot and no bother.

"Shucks!" said Uncle Billy; "you women-folks can't think 'bout nothin' 'cept one thing. He's too old fer her." "She'll git ole enough fer HIM an' you menfolks don't think less you jes' talk less." And she went back into the kitchen, and on the porch the old miller puffed on a new idea in his pipe. For a few minutes the two rode in silence and not yet had June lifted her eyes to him.

Allie continued to weigh this new thought in her mind; that it intrigued her was plain, but she made no audible comment. For perhaps half an hour the women tried on one piece of jewelry after another, exclaiming, admiring, arguing, then the mother realized with a start that meal time was near and that the menfolks would soon be home.