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He was desperately shy, as he had confessed: but compassion overcame his shyness. "Surely," said he, "all we be children o' one Father: an' surely we may know each other's burdens; else, not knowin', how shall we bear 'em?" "You'm too late, hollibubber." Zeb stood still, looking out over the purple sea. The old man touched his arm gently. "How so?" "I've a-sold my soul to hell." "I don't care.

The deacon felt he had been bidden to take himself away, yet with nothing learned; and as he slowly adjusted his plush cap and pulled its ear-tabs down, he fixed a facetious glance upon the housekeeper, making one more effort toward enlightenment, saying: "I admit Marsden an honest village, less I never'd a-sold the farm an' moved in.

An' if it wasn't fer Miss Allis it's a pity you couldn't a-sold him the Chestnut. He's a sawhorse he's as heavy in th' head as a bag of salt; he'll never do no good to nobody. Them's the kind as kapes a man poor, eatin' their heads off, an' wan horse, or maybe two, in the stable earnin' th' oats fer them. It's chaper to cut th' t'roats av such cattle."

"Nay, and ye needn't think it ye mid know as I wouldn't do sich a thing," returned her lord with equal heat. "I've sold en" he paused, continuing with some hesitation, as he nodded sideways over his shoulder, "I've a-sold en up yonder for the kennels." "What! To be ate up by them there nasty hounds? Joseph!" "Come now," cried the farmer defiantly, "ye must look at it sensible, Mary.