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"I hain't never heard tell on a scooter a-killin' nobody yit; it's them plagued ice-boats up State what " "That's all very well," persisted Mrs. Homan, not to be diverted from her subject; "but when old Dr.

These spells is a-killin' me an' what'll become of the woman an' the kids?" The half-breed grinned: "Mebbe-so you kin' pass back agin, Sam. He ain' got no gun." Sam Moore ceased to writhe, and sat abruptly erect. "Ain't got no gun!" he exclaimed. "What did he shoot Purdy with?" "My gun. He giv' it back to me. A'm bor' heem dat gun li'l while ago." The deputy sprang to his feet.

Wuz some one a-killin' him, and a-orderin' him to lay still and fall as he ort to? Wuz such boldness in crime possible? I raised my head and looked out into the room, and then with a wild shriek I covered up my head. Then I discovered that there wuz only one thin sheet over me. The sight I had seen had driv' the blood in my veins all back to my heart.

"It's my opinion," said Ike, who with The Kid had made a habit of dropping in for a visit to the sick man, and then would dispose themselves outside for a smoke, listening the while to the flow of song and story wherewith his daughter would beguile the old man from his weariness; "it's my opinion that it aint either that rheumatism nor that there pewmonia," Ike had once glanced at the doctor's label which distinguished the pneumonia medicine from that prescribed for rheumatism, "it aint either the rheumatism nor that there pewmonia," he repeated, "that's a-killin' him."

From the children, his good influence extended to the parents; and it was an almost every-day occurrence for visitors from the slums to burst into the school to fetch the master to some coster who was "a-killin' his woman." The brawny young giant would dive into the courts where the police go in couples, clamber ricketty stairs, and "interview" the fighting pair.

Wot Hannah and me wants to say is this as how Mrs. Whaley she met you in the street incerdentul. And she sez as how she newer saw no wun look no wusser than you do! Now, Ishmael, Hannah and me, we sees how it is. Youre a-killin of yourself jest as fast as ever you can, which is no better than Susanside, because it is agin natur and agin rillijun to kill wunself for a livin.

Mom Beck, is my mothah's heart all broken? Is that why she is sick so much, and will it kill her suah 'nuff?" "Who's been tellin' you such nonsense?" asked the woman, sharply. "Some ladies at the hotel were talkin' about it. They said that gran'fathah didn't love her any moah, an' it was just a-killin' her." Mom Beck frowned fiercely.

She stepped unsteadily forward and caught at his hand, but the man jerked it away as from an infection. "But don't ye know thet John misused me, Will? Don't ye know thet he war a-killin' me right then?" "I takes notice ye didn't nuver make no complaint till ye tuck thought of Ken's deefence, albeit men knowed thar was bad blood betwixt him an' John.

This new fangled railroad a-comin' through heah, a-killin' things, an' a-killin' folks! Why, Bud Sowers said just the other week he heard of three darkies gittin' kilt in one bunch down to Allenville. They standin' on the track, jes' talkin' an' visitin' like. Didn't notice nuthin'. Didn't notice the train a-comin'. 'Biff! says Bud; an' thah was them darkies." "Yes," said Mr.

I asked in the same guarded tones. "I done got somefin' to tell you. While I ketchin' a lil' bit of sleep 'longside that white trash Mo'ton's place, I done heah dey all plannin' to git out warrant for to arres' Massa Fairfax and Massa Pine and Massa Ma'sh for a-killin' dem men las' week; and I heah dem say dey gwine fer to gib dem trial, and if dey fight dey gwine done shoot 'em."