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Moonlight fools a feller the worst kind. I throwed a stone at a whippoor-will as was perched on the roof a-keepin' us all awake nights, and would yuh believe me, she went right through the winder of the attic, kersmash. Never was more surprised in my life. And you don't ketch me heavin' stones by moonlight agin." From one subject they drifted to another.

I had to be in bed day after day, thinking of dozens of things that I ought to be doing." "Was you ever floored?" Polly asked with a touch of unbelief as she studied the fine, healthy physique at the side of her bed. "'Deed he was, chile," Mandy cried, feeling that her opportunity had now arrived; "an' I had the wors' time a-keepin' him in bed. He act jes' like you did." "Did he?"

Didn't she tell you?" "I should say not. If she'd told me you don't suppose I'd'a' driv' clear over here in this kinder weather fer nothin', do you? Thunder! Did she know 'bout it?" "Certainly, Mr. Crow. She helped with the plans." "Well, good gosh a'mighty! An' we was a-keepin' from her the awful news fer fear 'twould give her a backset." "Awful news! What do you mean?

If I don't 'urt 'em, I don't git no feelin' of toes. 'Ow are yeh goin' to start that ther' toe feelin' 'thout no toes to start it? 'Yeh don't need no toes to start it, sez the doctor, 'it's the old feelin' of toes a-keepin' up. 'Ther' hain't no 'Look 'ere, sez 'e, 'I tell yeh it hain't toes, it's the nerves of the toes reachin' up to the brain. Don't yeh see?

"Good evening, Carlin; I hoped you would still be up. I stopped on the way down or I should have been here earlier." A man of sixty, with a ruddy, weather-beaten face set in a half-moon of gray whiskers, the ends tied under his chin, sprang to his feet. "Ah! Is that you, Mr. Felix? I been a-wonderin' where you been a-keepin' yourself. Take this chair; it's more comfortable.

They had searched everywhere; they had gone to the police; telegrams had been sent to every station; they had done everything that could be done, but had found no trace of the child. "If I hadn't this," sobbed Pomona, holding out the child, "I believe I'd go wild. It isn't that she can take the place of my dear baby, but by a-keepin' hold of her I believe we'll git on the track of Corinne."

A-keepin' right on in their own spear, jest as usial, not intrudin' themselves and a-pushin', but ready to greet 'em and give 'em the best there wuz in 'em, if occasion called for it, and then ready to bid 'em a calm, well-meanin' farewell when the time come to part. It wuz a great surprise to me, and how they got there wuz a mystery.

It's good for you you're not in my command; I'd lift you to a higher sense of whose war this is, damn you, if I had to hang you up by the thumbs. With that he started right on by, Gholson a-keepin' his face to him as he passed, when Ned Ferry and her came out o' the parlor, and Ned turned out on the rear gallery with Quinn while she sort o' smiled at Gholson to come to her and sent him off on some business or other.

Wiggins, who, as matters were explained to her, had expressed her views chiefly by affirmative nods, now began to use her tongue with much fluency. "Hi 'ave a friend 'herhabouts," she said, "an' she's been a-keepin' some of my things. Hi'll be 'olden to ye, master, hif ye'll jes stop a bit hat the door whiles hi gets 'em.

"Well, I ain't up on school classifications for hosses," said Landy dryly. "He may be a colleger fer all I know. But, we're dealin' with a woman en thar's no accountin' fer what's the matter. Hit may be, yer complexion don't match, er she may be a-keepin' him to contrast with some letter paper she's goin' to buy. Ye jist can't tell a dern thing about hit till we hear her story.