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Merwyn mounted the box with the driver, knowing that openness was the best safeguard against suspicions that might soon prove fatal. At one point they were surrounded and stopped by the rioters, who demanded explanations. "Clear out, ye bloody divils!" cried Sally, who did not count timidity among her foibles; "wud ye kape a woman from goin' to her husband, a-dyin' beloikes?"

"But I will I don't I didn't mean it," sobbed Diantha incoherently. "I'd rather have Dolly twice over. I <i>like</i> ter crawl. Oh, Phineas, I hate that thing I've always hated it! I'll say yes next week to- morrow to-day if you'll only open your eyes and tell me you ain't a-dyin'!" Phineas was not dying, and he proved it promptly and effectually, even to the doubting Diantha's blushing content.

'Jenny! whativer's come to the silly wench? Mrs. Jenny was more frightened, and with better reason, than her companion. Julia's marble pallor, and the awful stillness of her form the keenest glance could not detect a quiver in the face or a heave of the bosom almost stilled that exigent pulse within her own breast with a sudden anguish of despair. 'Oh, Jenny, she's a-dyin'! Mrs.

I shanna rest i' my grave if I donna see thee at th' last; an' how's they to let thee know as I'm a-dyin', if thee't gone a-workin' i' distant parts, an' Seth belike gone arter thee, and thy feyther not able to hold a pen for's hand shakin', besides not knowin' where thee art? Thee mun forgie thy feyther thee munna be so bitter again' him. He war a good feyther to thee afore he took to th' drink.

You better be goin'." The girl slipped a small revolver from her pocket and pressed it into Alice's hand. "There's a pocket for it in the bloomers. Cinnabar Joe give it to me a long time ago. Take care of yourself an' don't be afraid to use it if you have to. An' mind you let me hear jest the minute you git anywheres. I'll be a-dyin' to know what become of you."

She came hurriedly to the door with them, and said in George's ear: "He's my darter's child my darter by my first usband. His feyther an mother are gone, an he come up from West Bromwich to live wi me. But he isn't no comfort to me. He don't take no notice of anybody. He set like that, with his football, when Jamie lay a-dyin. I'd as lief be shut on him. But theer I've got to put up wi im."

"I'll drive to the open gulf to get rid of 'em! Outside, to sea! Yeh! Stranger, yeh'll see salt water, and lilies drownin' in it! I'll show yeh 'em dead and dried on the sands like dead men's dried bones! Yeh'll see yer pretty flowers a-dyin'!" The lone cowman ignored the sneer. "You better get the animals to feed and water. Another mornin' of heat and crowdin' " "Let 'em rot!

Hereupon I rose, minded to seek my chamber, but before I reached the door I was arrested by a hoarse whisper: "Brother for th' love o' God!" Peering towards the captive, I saw him upon his back, his face ghastly in the shadow. "Oh, brother," he whispered faintly, "I think I'm a-dyin'! Show kindness to a dyin' man an' ease my poor arms a bit."

That comfort ye, Mis' Green, bor?" The faint eyes looked solemnly in the healthy, stolid face above her. "There's nothin' don't comfort me, Mis' Barrett." "An' why's the raisen?" the neighbour reprovingly demanded. "Because yu're a-dyin', Mis' Green, and yu don't give yer mind tu it.

'Child's a-dyin' in here, says they; 'tumbled down the sullar stairs. They was like crazy creatur's; I give 'em the vial right there in the lane, an' they run in an' I followed 'em. Last time I was there the child was a-playin' out; looked rugged and hearty. They've never forgot it an' never will," said Mr. Teaby impressively, with a pensive look toward the horizon.