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He was fully dressed except for his boots; for he was determined to conform to the rules of the Service, and sleep with his clothes on ready for instant duty. "Talk erbout him a-dyin'!" growled Samuel to himself, lounging wearily in a chair beside the stove. "He's jest startin' his life. He's a reg'lar hoss. I didn't think he had it in him." Samuel's tone was resentful.

"Why?" said I. "It's like this," said he. "One time there was an' old miser, an' when he was a-dyin' the devil come, an' set down by the bed, an' the devil said, 'You've done a good deal of work for me, an' I reckon I ought to give you a lift if you need it.

When I thought Daddy was a-goin' to the rope, I say every day I were a-goin' to die.... Women ain't a-dyin' so easy." She was preparing the warm sop for the child, and taking him from his mother's arm, she sat down in the rocking chair. She did not speak again until she had drained the sweetened water from the bread-crusts, and the child had smacked it down eagerly.

"And I'm fifty and more, young friend, and never found courage for it yet and never shall now!" Here the morsel of pork vanished and he masticated thoughtfully. "And I suppose," said he, his keen eyes flashing from me to Diana, "I suppose you'll be tellin' me as you're in love and a-dyin' for each other " "No!" said Diana sharply. "Of course not!" said I, imitating her tone.

'Young Mr Pendle is engaged to marry you, ain't he? and he's goin' to hev the livin' of Heathcroft, ain't he? and old Leigh's a-dyin' fast, ain't he? 'Go on, father, you've done it now, said Bell, resignedly, and sat down. Cargrim was almost too surprised to speak. The rector of Heathcroft dying; Gabriel engaged to marry this common woman.

"And never have I had a death in 'em before." Dan recoiled before the word. "Death?" he said. And she repeated the word. "Poor Mr Gunton, he have had one of his throats, and he was took worse yesterday morning. He kep' askin' for you, sir, and no one could say where you was; and now he have sent me to fetch you, whatever happen, and to say as he's a-dyin'!"

"All ri'! all ri'!" laughed Sally, as she deposited the freshly-filled tankards upon the tables, "why, what a 'urry to be sure! And is your gran'mother a-dyin' an' you wantin' to see the pore soul afore she'm gone! I never see'd such a mighty rushin'" A chorus of good-humoured laughter greeted this witticism, which gave the company there present food for many jokes, for some considerable time.

Sam! you lazy feller, you han't got nothing to do but gape at folks ha' you seen the doctor go by this forenoon?" "I seen him go down to Mis' Perriman's," said Sam, "Mis' Perriman was a-dyin', Jim Barstow said." "How long since?" said his mistress. But Sam shuffled and shuffled, looked every way but at Ellen or Mrs. Forbes, and "didn' know." "Well, then," said Mrs.

My paw an' me are already powerful beholden to ye all but " She paused and under just such an emotion the ordinary woman's throat would have caught with a sob and her eyes would have filled with tears. It was not so with Alexander. Her note only softened into a deeper gravity. "But he lays over thar an' I mistrusts he's a-dyin' ternight.

Only drunk and fightable as usual? or are you being chased by pink snakes with tiger's heads again, eh? There, sit quiet, old man. Where is Addie? For a few moments the old man made no answer; then he rose, and placing his trembling hands on Wallis's chest said brokenly, 'God help me, Tom! She's a-dyin'... an' I'm near drunk.