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The people of Novgorod, finding their trade at the mercy of their allies, submitted to their power, and in 864 invited Rurik to become their king. His two brothers had meantime died. Thus it was that the Russian empire began, for the Varangians came from a country called Ross, from which their new realm gained the name of Russia.

This was found to be ten miles in a second, or 864,000 miles in a day, a very much greater speed than that with which we had travelled on starting to touch at the moon.

The report of the Secretary of the Treasury gives a full and interesting exhibit of the financial condition of the country. It shows that the ordinary revenues from all sources for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1883, amounted to $398,287,581.95, whereof there was received From customs $214,706,496.93 From internal revenue 144,720,368.98 From sales of public lands 7,955,864.42

The financial history of the public irrigation works of India will be particularly interesting to the people of the United States because our government is just entering upon a similar policy, the following statement is brought down to December 31, 1902: In addition to this revenue from the "major" irrigation works belonging to the government, the net receipts from "minor" works during the year 1902 amounted to $864,360 in American money.

In the state of things, it happened that in the year 864, Judith, daughter of Charles the Bald, king of France, having survived her husband Ethelwolf, king of England, became attached to a powerful Flemish chieftain called Baldwin.

The tax collected on oleomargarine was $723,948.04 for the year ending June 30, 1887, and $864,139.88 for the following year. The requirements of the sinking-fund act have been met for the year ended June 30, 1888, and for the current year also, by the purchase of bonds.

TREASURY DEPARTMENT: Treasury Department proper 68,735,451.00 69,865,240.00 70,393,543.75 69,973,434.61 1,658,092.75 1,237,983.61 + 420,109.14 Public buildings and works 11,864,545.60 6,198,365.60 7,101,465.60 5,565,164.00 + 4,763,080.00 + 6,299,381.60 + 1,536,301.60

River level below Karuma Falls . . . . . . . . 3,996 feet Rionga's island 3,864 80 feet cliff . . . . . 3,784 = 212 fall. to the west. Level of Albert lake . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,720 = 475 fall. from Patooan to lake. From Karuma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,276 fall.

In 864, on the death of his brothers, Ruric consolidated their territories with his, assumed the title of grand prince, peaceably took possession of Novgorod and made it his capital, naming the country Russia, after his native place. With the advent of the Varangians the authentic history of Russia begins.

The ticket polled 94,864 votes. The Socialist-Labor party nominated a ticket of their own which received only 33,432 votes. Eventually this party shrank to a mere remnant, while the Social Democratic party became generally known as the Socialist party. Debs became their candidate in three successive elections. In 1904 and 1908 his vote hovered around 400,000.