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Of the latter, about one-half was undertaken by Major Graham's division, leaving for the estimated distance to be surveyed by the divisions of A. Talcott and J. Renwick 450 miles. It will appear by the statement hereinbefore given that the joint surveys of these two divisions upon the lines of highlands have actually amounted to 574 miles.

The next step, which is just being completed, is the digitization of the Berlinische Monatsschrift, a German periodical from the Enlightenment, comprising 58 volumes, 2,574 articles on 30,626 pages. A somewhat bigger digitization project of German periodicals from the 18th and early 19th century is planned. The size will be about 1,000,000 pages.

POPULATION: Male 3,204,541; female 3,097,574. HUSBAND AND WIFE: Wife controls own earnings. Dower and curtesy prevail. Wife cannot mortgage separate estate without husband's consent; cannot sue or be sued or contract without his consent; and in order to carry on business in her own name must secure special permission from the court. Husband is legal guardian of children, and must provide.

Rel., 1900, p. 574; Salisbury per Bertie to Choate, Jan. 26, 1900. This proclamation was not retroactive in the sense that it established a new prohibition, but was merely explanatory of an accepted restriction upon trade with the enemy by British subjects.

Sometimes the court was Buddhist, sometimes Taoist; first one faith was suppressed altogether, then the other; in A.D. 574 both were abolished in deference to Confucianism, which, however, no emperor has ever dared to interfere with seriously. At present, all the "three religions" flourish happily side by side.

The number of subscribers to the Iliad was 575, and the number of copies subscribed for was 654. The work was to be printed in six quarto volumes; and the subscription was a guinea a volume. Of the Odyssey, 574 copies were subscribed for. It was to be printed in five quarto volumes, and the subscription was a guinea a volume.

The cave life of the skyscraper takes the place of the trim home garden, and so greed of gain interest on extortionate real estate values takes its toll of human life and virtue, clean living and clean thinking. In one section of Canada during ten years, where there had been an increase of 574,878 in the country population, there was an increase of 1,258,645 in the city population.

This picture is drawn by an inimitable artist. Nor have we seen anything more admirably adapted to the present state of our Tractarian times. Vol. iii. 277. Vol. i., p. 22, No. 128. Vol. ii., p. 574. Life, 1692. Vol. i., p. 505. Vol. i., p. 719. Vol. i., p. 753. Some of the wax remains, but the coin is lost. Vol. iii., p. 763. Vol. i., p. 81. Mr. Philip, Critique on Bunyan, p. vi. and xvi.

These latter included 268 sugar-refineries, 918 textile-factories, 574 breweries, 133 tobacco-factories, 1,685 distilleries, 244 chemical-factories, 615 paper-mills, and 1,073 machine-factories. Moreover, it was not an enduring peace and war against Germany had to be resumed.

Concino Concini was the son of a notary, who, by his talent, had risen to be secretary of state at Florence. Dreux du Radier, Mémoires des Reines et Régentes de France, vol. vi. p. 81. Conti, Amours du Grand Alcandre, Cologne edition, 1652, p. 41. Péréfixe, vol. ii. p. 346. L'Etoile, vol. ii. pp. 573, 574. Matthieu, vol. ii. p. 441. Mézeray, vol. x. p. 178. Daniel, vol. vii. p. 407.