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As guests of the Wichita Equal Suffrage Society delegates and visitors were entertained at tea in the home of the Hon. Henry J. Allen. The convention of 1919 was held in Wichita June 10-11. Mrs. Brooks had been elected president of the National League of Women Voters and the Kansas association loyally changed its name to the State League of Women Voters.

First Pentad: Injuries by Animals, xxi. 28, 29, 30, 31, 32. Second Pentad: Injuries to Animals, xxi. 33-34, 35, 36; xxii. 1,4. Fourth Decalogue: Responsibility for Property. First Pentad: In General, xxii. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Second Pentad: In Cattle, xxii. 10-11, 13, 14, l5a, I5b. Fifth Decalogue: Social Purity. First Pentad: Adultery, Deut. xxii. 13-19, 20-21, 22, 23-24, 25-27.

"And the soul that turneth after such as have familiar spirits and after wizards ... I will even set my face against that soul and will cut him off from among his people." Deuteronomy xviii, 10-11.

* Leupp, 10-11. That the Colombian politicians, who repudiated the treaty Herran had framed, were blackmailers of the lowest sort, is as indisputable as is the fact that whoever begins to compromise with a blackmailer is lured farther and farther into a bog until he is finally swallowed up.

The experiences of Judah as recorded in this period bring us several important truths. That sin will tear down both men and nations. Men are responsible and suffer for their own sins but not for the sins of others, Ez. 18:2-3; 33:10-11. God controls all circumstances toward the ultimate accomplishment of his purposes.

On November 10-11, one of three Spanish armies was crushed at Espinosa; on the former day another was routed at Gamonal; on the 23rd the third was utterly dispersed at Tudela.

The Southern States Suffrage Conference, Miss Kate M. Gordon, president, met in Chattanooga, November 10-11, just before the national convention. A special suffrage edition of the News, with Mrs. Frances Fort Brown editor-in-chief, was issued and the conference was a great success. Many prominent women from outside the State attended and all except Mrs.

First Pentad: Command to Observe them, xxiii. 10-11, 12, l5a, 16a, 16b. Second Pentad: Method of Observing them, xxiii, 17, 18a, 18b, 19a, 19b. Here the primitive ceremonial decalogue has been expanded into the third and fourth group given above.

During the night of November 10-11, 1916, British squadrons drenched with projectiles the stations of Ham, St. These operations caused great damage, and several explosions and fires were observed. A German aeroplane during the night of November 10-11, 1916, bombarded several French towns. Nancy and Lunéville received projectiles which caused damage or casualties.

He does this on the basis of the fact that when, in the midst of the general family excitement in the middle of the night of August 10-11, one of the busy Quaker aunts present bethought herself, for the sake of getting things straight in the family Bible, to say: "Oh, doctor, just how long ago was it that baby was born?" she got the following answer, "Just as near an hour ago as I can guess it."