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When the sluggish intellect is roused, the slow speech quickened, the cold nature warmed, the latent sympathy developed, the flagging spirit kindled, before the trains of thought become confused or the will perverted, or the muscles relaxed, just at the moment when the whole human zoophyte flowers out like a full-blown rose, and is ripe for the subscription-paper or the contribution-box, it would be hard to say that a man was, at that very time, worse, or less to be loved, than when driving a hard bargain with all his meaner wits about him.

I was familiar with the latest research on this bizarre zoophyte which turns to stone while taking on a tree form, as some naturalists have very aptly observed and nothing could have been more fascinating to me than to visit one of these petrified forests that nature has planted on the bottom of the sea.

Smitt and Dr. Nitsche naturalists who have carefully studied this group to be homologous with the zooids and their cells which compose the zoophyte, the movable lip or lid of the cell corresponding with the lower and movable mandible of the avicularium. Mr. Busk, however, does not know of any gradations now existing between a zooid and an avicularium.

His brain is more than a match for all the special advantages nature has given them. The one gift of reason makes him supreme in the world. We have a stake in all the past life of the globe. It is no doubt a scientific fact that your existence and mine were involved in the first cell that appeared, that the first zoophyte furthered our fortunes, that the first worm gave us a lift.

"I wish to Heaven," he said, in one of his later letters "I wish to Heaven I had no heart, and no brain! I wish I was, like some worthy people I know, a mere human zoophyte, consisting of nothing but a mouth and a stomach. Only conceive how it must simplify life when once one has succeeded in making a clean sweep of all those finer emotions which harass more complicated organisms!

All has utterly disappeared, or, to paraphrase one of Pope's couplets, "Beast, bird, fish, insect what no eye can scan, Nor glass can reach from zoophyte to man."

Vavasour, at this exquisite little glass fairy, like I cannot tell what like, but a pure spirit hovering in some nun's dream! Come!" Elsley came, and looked; and when he looked he started, for it was the very same zoophyte which Thurnall had shown him on a certain memorable day. "Where did you find the fairy, mon Saint Père?" "I had no such good fortune. Mr. Thurnall, the doctor, gave it me."

Soon, scarcely blurred by their distance from us, the forms of some objects took shape before my eyes. I recognized the lower slopes of some magnificent rocks carpeted by the finest zoophyte specimens, and right off, I was struck by an effect unique to this medium. By then it was ten o'clock in the morning.

The last of these is amply represented by the four zoophyte groups, three classes of articulates, five classes of mollusks, and three vertebrate classes: mammals, reptiles, and those countless legions of fish, an infinite order of animals totaling more than 13,000 species, of which only one-tenth belong to fresh water. The sea is a vast pool of nature.

In a natural state, as it is found in the Mediterranean, the sponge is surrounded with a thick glutinous matter, which is its vital part; like coral, it is a zoophyte: it propagates in the same manner, and its life is indestructible till it is removed from its proper element, and the glutinous matter which makes its vitality has been boiled out of its pores, leaving the soft and beautiful skeletons, of which these cases contain many specimens.