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The little Yankee is regarding your full-blown curves and empty eyes with rebellion, though he says, ever so meekly: "Yes, I guess it is about that, Miss Theresa." "Well, I just knew you couldn't stand it away from us. I suppose you'll want your room back. Ma, here's Mr. Wrenn back again Mr. Wrenn! Ma!" "Oh-h-h-h!" sounded Goaty Zapp's voice, in impish disdain, below. "Mr. Wrenn's back. Hee, hee!

Zapp was too conscientiously dolorous to be much cheered by the sympathy of a nigger-lovin' Yankee, who couldn't appreciate the subtle sorrows of a Zapp of Zapp's Bog, allied to all the First Families of Virginia. Mr. Wrenn did nothing more presumptuous than sit still, in the stuffy furniture-crowded basement room, which smelled of dead food and deader pride in a race that had never existed.

Wrenn envied the jackies on the training-ship and carelessly went to sea as the President's guest in the admiral's barge and was frightened by the stare of a sauntering shop-girl and arrived home before dusk, to Mrs. Zapp's straitened approval. Dusk made incantations in his third-floor-front. Pleasantly fagged in those slight neat legs, after his walk, Mr.

That was rubbing it in! While at work, whether he was sick or not, he could forget things. But the liner, fleeting on with bright ease, made the cattle-boat seem about as romantic as Mrs. Zapp's kitchen sink. Why, he wondered "why had he been a chump? Him a wanderer? No; he was a hired man on a sea-going dairy-farm.

Couldn't stand it. Ain't that like a Yankee!" A slap, a wail, then Mrs. Zapp's elephantine slowness on the stairs from the basement. She appeared, buttoning her collar, smiling almost pleasantly, for she disliked Mr. Wrenn less than she did any other of her lodgers. "Back already, Mist' Wrenn?

Muzzy and just drink a drop of coffee Ah must get insomina, but Ah don't see why anybody that tries to be a gennulman should have to go and bang the door and just rack mah nerves." He slunk up-stairs behind Mrs. Zapp's lumbering gloom. "There's something I wanted to tell you, Mrs. Zapp something that's happened to me. That's why I was out celebrating last evening and got in so late." Mr.