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Don't call her Yunker. Yunker means farmer." "Well, then, 'Dear Jungfru Unknown: " the boy corrected, with more flourishes. "I wish we knew who would get the box, then we should know just what to say," said little Hilma Berling. "She is probably just your age, and is named Selma," said Birger; and everyone laughed over his choice of a name.

I myself had not been long a yunker, an elderly yunker; and as I was incapable, as yet, of being good-naturedly serviceable to my younger comrades, and without means, I well knew all the moral difficulties of this situation for a proud man no longer young, and I sympathized with all men who found themselves in such a situation, and I endeavored to make clear to myself their character and rank, and the tendencies of their intellectual peculiarities, in order to judge of the degree of their moral sufferings.

That is good!" they all cried; and while Gerda ran to get pen and ink, the boys and girls gathered around a table that stood in the center of the room. "Dear Yunker Unknown: " began a mischievous-looking boy, pretending to write with a great flourish. "Nonsense!" cried Sigrid Lundgren. "The box is filled with skirts and aprons and caps and embroidered belts, and all sorts of things for a girl.

"Have you finished?" asked the king. "Yes, sire, I have finished," groaned Deesen. "Then fold the letter and seal it, and write the address 'To the unmarried Maria Siegert, Yunker Street, Potsdam." "Mercy, sire, mercy!" cried Deseen, springing up and throwing himself at the feet of the king. "I see that your majesty knows all that I have been betrayed."

This yunker or degraded officer, judging by his restless eyes and that intentionally constant variation of expression which I noticed in him, was a man very far from stupid, and extremely egotistical, and therefore much to be pitied.

But it turned out that he really had gone thither, had entered the T regiment as yunker, through influence, and had served in it those two years. Whole legends were fabricated there about him. One of the officers in his regiment communicated them to me. I learned a great deal which I had not expected from him.

As I came around one of the tents of the third battalion, I heard Guskof's rough voice: he was speaking hilariously and rapidly. Young voices replied to him, not those of soldiers, but of gay gentlemen. It was evidently the tent of some yunker or sergeant-major. I stopped short. "I've known him a long time," Guskof was saying.

Under these influences the monarchy of Frederick the Great ceased to exist; the authority of the "yunker" class which supported it and had rashly brought on the war with France was temporarily eclipsed by a wholesome expression of national vigor, and the enlightened liberalism of Prussia became the stimulus for a similar movement in all Germany.