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But the latter died some historians say that dissipation destroyed him in two years, and having no second son to succeed, Yoshimochi himself resumed the office of shogun, holding it until his death, in 1428. During his thirty-three years' tenure of power this ruler seems to have aimed solely at enjoying the sweets of ease and tranquillity.

Yoshimochi, however, who was then shogun, seems to have associated China with the invasion, for a Ming envoy, arriving just at the time of the contest, was indignantly refused audience.

This he now assigned as a residence for his son and successor, Yoshimochi, transferring his own place of abode to the site occupied by the Saionji family, to whom was given in exchange an extensive manor in Kawachi. Here the Ashikaga chancellor built a palace of such dimensions that sixteen superintendents and twenty assistant superintendents were required to oversee the work.

Mochiuji, then in his twentieth year, sympathized with Norimoto, and in the sequel, Ujinori, with whom was allied Mochiuji's younger brother, Mochinaka, took the field at the head of such a force that the governor-general must have succumbed had not the shogun, Yoshimochi, rendered aid. This should have placed Kamakura under a heavy debt of gratitude to Muromachi.

Yoshimitsu 1358 1367 1395 1408 Yoshimochi 1386 1395 1423 1428 Yoshikazu 1407 1423 .... 1425 Yoshinori 1394 1428 .... 1441 Yoshikatsu 1433 1441 .... 1443 Yoshimasa 1435 1443 1474 1490 Yoshihisa 1465 1474 .... 1489 Yoshizumi 1478 1493 1508 1511 Yoshiharu 1510 1521 1545 1550 Yoshiteru 1535 1545 .... 1565 Yoshihide 1565 1565 .... 1568 Yoshiaki 1537 1568 1573 1597

So long, however, as Yoshimochi ruled in Kyoto, the Kamakura kwanrya abstained from further intrigues; but on the accession of the sometime bonze, Yoshinori, to the shogunate, all sense of restraint was removed. The governor-general now made no attempt to conceal his hostility to the Muromachi shogun.

He is said to have gone in and out at the Imperial palaces without the slightest reserve, and on more than one occasion history accuses him of flagrantly transgressing the limits of decency in his intercourse with Suken-mon-in, mother of the Emperor Go-Enyu. As a subverter of public morals, however, the palm belongs, not to Yoshimitsu, but to his immediate successor, Yoshimochi.

Twenty-eight years later, that is to say, in 1423, he abdicated in favour of his son, Yoshikazu. The cause of that step deserves notice. Yoshimitsu had intended to pass over Yoshimochi, his first-born, in favour of his second son, Yoshitsugu, but death prevented the consummation of that design. Yoshimochi, however, knew that it had been entertained.

Yoshimitsu overcame the difficulty by nominally transferring his military functions to his son Yoshimochi , and constituting himself the patron of literature. It was now that his love of luxury and splendour assumed its full dimensions.

He left the provinces severely alone and thought only of the peace of the metropolis. Turbulent displays on the part of self-appointed partisans of the Southern Court; intrigues in the Kwanto; revolts among his own immediate followers all these things were treated by Yoshimochi with gloved hands so long as the atmosphere of Kyoto was not troubled.