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"Pretty tiresome trip, ain't it?" he observed. "You'll have a chance to rest decent to-night, and I got a team uh bays that'll yank yuh to the Meadows in four hours 'n' a half. My wife'll be plumb tickled to have yuh. They ain't much more'n half a dozen white women in ten miles uh the Meadows. We keep a boardin'-house. Hope you'll like the country."

He answered that he had done all he could; everything now depended on the State. "I'm going across to Vesterbotten now, and I shan't be coming back," he told them straightforwardly. He gave Inger an Ort, and that was overmuch. "You can take a bit of meat down to my people in the village next time you're killing," said he. "My wife'll pay you. Take a cheese or so, too, any time you can.

While he sat there pondering, the first stroke of the town bell proclaiming the hour was borne upon his ear. Before the ringing had ceased, he caught the additional sound of a horse's hoofs rapidly advancing up the road. "Ah," said he to himself, "here he comes. I reckon his wife'll be apt to give him fits for being so late."

"Your wife'll be a rich widdy then, won't she?" cried one of the men; and there was a burst of laughter. "Why," said the New York captain, "why, has a a bloody p-pirate like you a wife then a like any honest man?" "She'll be no richer than she is now," said Blackbeard. "She knows where you've hid your money, anyways. Don't she, Captain?" called out a voice.

You got loose from the business only to get tied up in knots of your own tying," he added. "What it is I don't know, but you say you're in trouble and I believe you." Suddenly a sharp look came to his face. "Is it a woman?" "It's not a man." "Well, you ought to know how to handle a woman. You're popular with women. My wife'll never hear a word against you. I don't know how you do it.

"One sees straight through the hair with him. Think! he'll think what any man'd think you a-suckin spite o' all your sorrow, my sweet, and my Berry talkin' of his Roman matrons! here's a English wife'll match 'em all! that's what he thinks. And now that leetle dark under yer eye'll clear, my darlin', now he've come." Mrs.

Nobody'll b'lieve her, anyhow, Sam, but if they do I'll explain it to 'em." "Now " "Locker's wife'll be glad to have it, too. She'd have to wait two weeks for hers, and now she'll git it right off. Oven's cracked on hern, and she allows she sp'iles every batch of bread she bakes and her pledged to furnish six loaves for the Methodist Ladies' Food Sale...."

That wire was from Hannigan that lives below Riverstown. He says his wife'll die she's very bad, I'm afraid I'm booked for the job this long time " Mrs. Mangan, loudly expostulating, though wise in obedience from experience, flew from the room with her message, and speedily returned to find the Big Doctor still hurrying about the surgery, making his preparations, and talking as he went.

Sir Winterton looked forward to making the acquaintance of both, but thought that the occasion had better be postponed till they had ceased to be opponents. "But I hope you and your wife'll go over as often as you like," he said to the Dean very cordially. But the Dean and Mrs.

You got loose from the business only to get tied up in knots of your own tying," he added. "What it is I don't know, but you say you're in trouble and I believe you." Suddenly a sharp look came to his face. "Is it a woman?" "It's not a man." "Well, you ought to know how to handle a woman. You're popular with women. My wife'll never hear a word against you. I don't know how you do it.