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"It do hearten the spirit to come direct to the Throne," he reflected; "an' the wonder is how ever I could fare for near two year wi'out my prayers. An' now I've owned up as I was wrong; which is all even the saints can do; 'cause Judgment Day, for the very best of us, will awnly be a matter o' owning up."

'Lawyers is allays for making the worst o' things, said she, a little pacified, 'but folks shouldn't allays believe them. 'It's lawyers as has to judge i' t' long run. 'Cannot the justices, Mr. Harter and them as is no lawyers, give him a sentence to-morrow, wi'out sending him to York? 'No! said Philip, shaking his head.

I tell 'ee both, that I'm glod the auld man has been caught out at last dom'd glod but ye'll sooffer eneaf wi'out any crowin' fra' me, and I be not the mun to crow, nor be Tilly the lass, so I tell 'ee flat.

That individual had just finished thrashing a bull-headed young broncho with a quirt, because he wouldn't move from the spot where he had been saddled, when Tresler came up. The lean man was breathing hard as he rested, and he panted his farewell huskily. "Kep y'r gun good an' handy," he said. "Et's mighty good company, if et don't git gassin' wi'out you ast it a question."

An' when we goes over I forgets everythink an' don't know what I'm doin'. P'raps I'll get a V.C. some day wi'out knowin' what I done ter get it. And I'm not the only one like that. Anyone 'oo's bin out 'ere a few months an' says 'e ain't windy up the line's a bloody liar, there now...."

'She were staying at Bessy Dawson's, and she come here to see me she's as pretty a young lady as yo'd see on a summer's day; and a real lady, too, wi' a fortune. She didn't speak two words wi'out bringing in her husband's name, "the captain", as she called him. 'An' she come to see thee? said Kester, cocking his eye at Sylvia with the old shrewd look. 'That were summut queer, weren't it?

'I shall prove that the gastric ulcer can be cured wi'out exceesion, he said, or they say he said in the Lancet report o' the operation on the Grand Duke Waldimir I cam' across a reprint o' it no' lang ago when Sir Henry McGavell sent for him, wi' the sweat o' mortal terror soakin' his Gladstone collar.

"We cawn't keep the nasty things from singin'," said the old man apologetically. "Why should you?" I asked. "Huh, mon! but they sing sacred songs, and chaunts, and a' that, and say all together from twenty rooms, a hundred times a day, 'Aws ut wuz in th' beginnin, uz now awn ever shawl be, worl' wi'out end, Aamen. It's not right. I've told Mr. Jackson. Listen now, didn't I tell ye?"

But I'd liefer you'd hearn the truth concernin myseln, fro my lips than fro onny other man's, though I never cud'n speak afore so monny, wi'out bein moydert and muddled. Slackbridge shook his head as if he would shake it off, in his bitterness. 'I'm th' one single Hand in Bounderby's mill, o' a' the men theer, as don't coom in wi' th' proposed reg'lations. I canna coom in wi' 'em.

"What!" cried Ben Greenway, "ye speak wi'out sense or reason. Hae ye forgotten that this is Mr. Abner Marchand, your fellow-vestryman an' your senior warden? An' to him do ye talk o' takin' awa' his goods an' legal chattels?" Bonnet looked at Greenway with indignation and contempt. "Now listen to me," he yelled.