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Wedgwood with this word balk, that he prefers to derive the Ital. valicam, varcare, from it rather than from the Latin varicare. We should think a deduction from the latter to the English walk altogether as probable. Mr. Wedgwood also inclines to seek the origin of acquaint in the Germ, kund, though we have all the intermediate steps between it and the Mid. Lat. adcognitare.

A daughter of the famous Josiah Wedgwood, who created a new branch of the potter's art, and established the great works of Etruria, could hardly fail to transmit important mental and moral qualities to her children; and there is a solitary record of her direct influence in the story told by a schoolfellow, who remembers Charles Darwin "bringing a flower to school, and saying that his mother had taught him how, by looking at the inside of the blossom, the name of the plant could be discovered."

Among the gems of such ornaments were the exquisite tablets and cameos made by Josiah Wedgwood, whose beautiful vases and miniature bottles, as well as tea-sets in the same wares, were so much admired. Waterford, Bristol, and Nailsea Ornaments of glass Enamels on metal. Glass is used in every home. It is seen in its ornamental forms, and is necessary in almost every department.

Could she have done so, what sleep-destroying wonders she would have witnessed! By what bright lamps burning in what mysterious grottoes and caverns of the brain would her mature eyes have been dazzled! Sophia was living for months on the exhaustless ardent vitality absorbed during a magical two minutes in Wedgwood Street.

He occupied himself with politics, and planned and carried through great engineering feats and was, also, deeply interested in the education of his children. When Wedgwood began his work, all tea and coffee pots were "salt-glazed," plain, or, if decorated, copies of Oriental patterns, which were the only available models, imported for the use of the rich.

Wedgwood less instrumental in turning the popular feeling in our favour. He made his own manufactory contribute to this end.

In Wedgwood Street, next to Boulton Terrace, all the little brown houses had been pulled down to make room for a palatial covered market, whose foundations were then being dug. This destruction exposed a vast area of sky to the north-east.

Two daughters of this family afterwards married sons of the famous potter, Wedgwood, and the friendship then begun lasted for life. To Mary herself, however, this year was full and fertile. It was devoted to study and work. Hers was the only true genius, the genius for industry. She never relaxed in the task she had set for herself, and her progress was rapid.

Among her latest sitters was Scott's angry correspondent of four months later General Gourgaud. Madame Mirbel died in 1849. The portrait alluded to was probably a miniature which has been engraved at least once by J.T.Wedgwood. Two Gentlemen of Verona, Act II. Sc. 3. The Marshal had visited Scotland in 1825 and Scott saw a good deal of him under the roof of his kinsman, Mr. Macdonald Buchanan.

'I suppose you knew him? I questioned. 'Considering that I was one of the pall-bearers at his funeral, and caught the champion cold of my life! 'What sort of a man was he? 'Outside Wedgwood ware he wasn't any sort of a man. He was that scourge of society, a philanthropist, said Mr Brindley. 'He was an upright citizen, and two thousand people followed him to his grave.