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This iron frame, when you hook it together, becomes the ghost of a cubic box, and by the help of twelve tiles becomes a compact field-oven; and you can bake with it, if you have flour and water, and a few sticks. Wedell arrived Sunday evening, 22d July; had crossed Oder at Tschischerzig, some say by Crossen Bridge; no matter which.

The King has been punctual to his reckoning: he picked up Wedell at Mullrose, not too cordial to Wedell's people: "None of you speak to those beaten wretches," ordered he; "till perhaps they wipe off their Zullichau stain!" On the 7th, Friedrich advanced to Frankfurt neighborhood; took Camp between Wulkow and Lebus; and has just been out reconnoitring.

July 30th, one week after his Battle, the vanguard of him is there. Thus, in two days, or even in one, has Wedell's Dictatorship ended. Easy to say scoffingly, "Would it had never begun!" Friedrich knows that, and Wedell knows it; AFTER the event everybody knows it! The Wedell Problem, in such ruined condition, has now fallen to Friedrich himself.

But now and hereafter Fabius Cunctator waits for Russia. In summer Russia is moving; Soltikoff, with 75,000 men, advancing, driving back Dohna. Frederick's best captains are all gone now; he tries a new one, Wedell, who gets beaten at Züllichau. Moreover, Haddick and Loudon are on the way to join Soltikoff.

And now, after this flight half round the world, it is time we return to Oder Country, and a Friedrich on the edge of formidable things there. Next day after Beeskow, where we left him, he duly arrived at Mullrose; was joined by Wedell there, August 6th; and is now at Wulkow, "encamped between Lebus and Wulkow," as we hear elsewhere; quite in the environs of Frankfurt and of great events.

"As I already apprised you by word of mouth, and in my letter of 4th of this month, the relations of the two Attachés with individuals who participated in illegal and questionable activities, are established. The names of von Wedell, Rintelen, Stegler, Buröde, Archibald and Fay may be mentioned as some of those who have transgressed against our laws.

Soltikof's loss of men is reckoned to be heavier even than Wedell's: but he could far better afford it. He has gained his point; and the price is small in comparison. Next day he enters Crossen on triumphant terms. Poor Wedell had returned over Kay-Mill Bridge, in the night-time after his Defeat. At Crossen, triumphant Soltikof has found no Austrian Junction, nor anything additional to live upon.

Wedell instantly took his measures; not unskilfully, say judges, though the result proved disappointing; and Wobersnow himself earnestly dissuaded: "Too questionable, I should doubt! Wedell's people have already, of their own accord, got to arms again; stand waiting his orders on this new emergency. No delay in Wedell or in them.

General Wedell is there, Prince Moritz as chief, with six battalions, and their batteries, battery of 10 Brummers and another; Ziethen also and Horse: coming on, in swift fire-flood, and at an angle of forty-five degrees. Most unexpected, strange to behold! From southwest yonder; about one o'clock of the day.

Not Haddick now; with or without their Austrians, it shall be the Russians now! Which Wedell is doing, all this Thursday and the four following days. Straight towards Frankfurt thenceforth; head-quarters Beeskow that night; next night, Mullrose, whither Wedell is appointed, within twelve miles of Frankfurt.