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She was in colors for the first time at her own house; she wore the diamonds Esmond gave her; it had been agreed between them, that she should wear these brilliants on the day when the King should enter the house, and a Queen she looked, radiant in charms, and magnificent and imperial in beauty.

The younger damsel cometh back to the King: "Sir," saith she, "I will that you wear new arms: You shall bear them red, the same as Messire Gawain bore the first day, and I pray you be such as you were the first day, or better." "Damsel, I will do my best to amend myself and my doings, and right well pleased am I of that it pleaseth you to say."

"It makes no difference to me what you wear!" said Bridgie quietly, and at that Esmeralda laughed, and became herself once more. "It does to me, though. The best of everything is good enough for me, nothing less! You dear old thing, it's like old times to have you looking at me with that solemn face. No one keeps me in order now.

In Protestant London there had been less inclination to superstition; yet even here a comet which, under ordinary circumstances, would have appeared but as other comets, was thought to wear the shape of a fiery sword stretched over the city in awful threatening.

Not that Peyton is one of your common cheap skates. That ain't the idea at all. He's a buddin' financier, Peyton is; one of these little-red-notebook heroes, who wear John D. mottoes pasted in their hats and can tell you just how Carnegie or Armour or Shonts or any of them sainted souls laid up their first ten thousand. He's got all that thrift dope down fine, Peyton has.

"You are watched, and in danger, sir, if you are the party I think you are," said Joey, going up to him, and speaking in a low voice. "Who are you," replied the domino, "that gives this notice?" "A perfect stranger to you, even if your mask was removed, sir; but I happened to overhear a conversation relative to a person in a domino such as you wear.

For some time they remained in gloomy silence, then Elsie began to moan and move restlessly about, then Mellen tried to rouse himself and be cheerful again. The afternoon passed very much in the same way. At last Elsie declared that she would sleep awhile. "Anything to wear away the time!" she said.

'It's no good worrying about that dear: besides, I can wear this old coat that I have no now, over the other. 'And if you wrap your old shoes in some paper, and take them with you, you can take off your wet boots as soon as you get to the place. 'Yes, all right, responded Owen. 'Besides, he added, reassuringly, 'even if I do get a little wet, we always have a fire there, you know.

One summer holiday these girls brought home with them Julie Dalrymple as their quasi-holiday governess. It was three years ago. I had just seen Liebreich. He told me that I should soon be blind, and, naturally, it was a blow to me." Sir Wilfrid made a murmur of sympathy. "Oh, don't pity me! I don't pity other people. This odious body of ours has got to wear out sometime it's in the bargain.

"Ha, ha, ha!" laughed Tippy Toes, "How long did he have to wear those mittens?" Grandpa Grumbles answered, "Really, now, I cannot say, But I guess it was a year and a day." Then Tippy Toes laughed so hard that he doubled right up in a little ball and rolled over and over.