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Some Arab got into her, and the boat went towards Patalolo's landing-place. It seems they had been refused admittance so they say. I think myself that the water-gate was not unbarred quick enough to please the exalted messenger. At any rate I saw the boat come back almost directly. I was looking on, rather interested, when I saw Willems and some more go forward very busy about something there.

"There it is again! It is a body!" On the dark surface of the waters, Gottlob saw a form whirled by the force of the current towards the water-gate. "It is the witch! it is the witch!" again cried the crowd, as the sackcloth garment of the unhappy Magdalena showed itself above the stream.

The building stood parallel to the river, one of its long sides facing the water-gate of the stockade. There was a door in the short side looking up the river, and the inclined plank-way led straight from the gate to that door. By the uncertain light of smoky torches, Dain noticed the vague outlines of a group of armed men in the dark shadows to his right.

But the sight of the muskrat had whetted his appetite, and when he came to the muskrat house in the alders, he swam down and thrust his head inside the water-gate. He even, indeed, went half-way in; but soon instinct, or experience, or remembered instruction, told him that the distance to the air-chamber was too great for him.

With these words, he showed the way for the family companions until they reached a large bridge, with water entering under it, looking like a curtain made of crystal. This bridge, the fact is, was the dam, which communicated with the river outside, and from which the stream was introduced into the grounds. "What's the name of this water-gate?" Chia Cheng inquired.

She gathered the contents in a careless glance, and walked into the garden alone, to look for Carlo. He was leaning on the balustrade of the terrace, near the water-gate, looking into the deep clear lake-water. Violetta placed herself beside him without a greeting. "You are watching fish for coolness, my Carlo?" "Yes," he said, and did not turn to her face. "You were very angry when you arrived?"

As they explained to me afterwards, Rayburn stood at the head of the stair to hold the enemy in check should they come before the work was finished and very strong as well as very brave men must the man have been who would have ventured to attack him as he occupied that position of overpowering advantage while the other two cast off from the windlass the chains by which the water-gate was operated, and dropped them over the wall into the lake; and as the gate itself was jammed and wedged fast by the fragments of the boat, this throwing down of the chains made the raising of it a serious undertaking that well might require a day or more to accomplish.

Babalatchi hurried down to the water-gate; yet before he passed through it he paused to look round the courtyard, with its light and shade, with its cheery fires, with the groups of Lakamba's soldiers and retainers scattered about.

To know what a free country means, you must have traveled in a conquered land. When they reached the Palazzo Vendramin, they saw a gondola moored at the water-gate. The Prince put his arm round Vendramin and clasped him affectionately, saying: "Good-night to you, my dear fellow!" "What! a woman? for me, whose only love is Venice?" exclaimed Marco.

When this little precaution was observed, the gondolier passed up lightly beneath the massive arch of the water-gate of the palace, and entered its large but gloomy court. At that hour, and with the temptation of the gay scene which offered in the adjoining square, the place was nearly deserted.