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Warble bird, and open flower, and, men, below the dome of azure Kneel adoring Him the Timeless in the flame that measures Time!" In this final volume the poet cast his handful of incense on the altar of Scott, versifying the tale of Il Bizarro, which the dying Sir Walter records in his Journal in Italy.

A single verse of this savage ditty will suffice for the present, rolled out upon the air, from fifty voices, the very boys and negroes joining in the chorus, and making it tell terribly to the senses of the threatened person. First one voice would warble "Did you ever, ever, ever!"

The silence was filled with the lake's warble, and the ducks kept awake by the moon chattered as they dozed, a soft cooing chatter like women gossiping; an Arab came from the wood with dry branches; the flames leaped up, showing through the grey woof of the tent; and, listening to the crackling, Owen muttered "Resinous wood... tamarisk and mastic."

The females chirrup and twitter, and utter their confiding "PAISLEY" "PAISLEY," while the more gayly dressed males squeak and warble in the most delightful strain. The matches are apparently all made and published during these gatherings; everybody is in a happy frame of mind; there is no jealousy, and no rivalry but to see who shall be gayest.

First one hops a few feet, then the other, each one standing erect in true military style while his fellow passes him and describes the segment of an ellipse about him, both uttering the while a fine complacent warble in a high but suppressed key.

I suppose you haven't a fortune of your own?" "Oh, yes; I'm enormously rich in my own right." "You are! Why, where did your husband get you?" "He got me out of a mail catalogue." Warble made a face at her. "Must you go, Mrs. Boddy?" she rose. "I won't ask you to come again, as I know how you love your own home and fireside. Goodby." Though Mrs.

"I wasn't in the game at all! The hostess never should be. I was just eating what I wanted." "You're a dear," Marigold Leathersham said to her. "I'm going to love you. How your husband must adore you, you pretty thing." "Yes, he does." Warble stated. "At least, he says so." "He's a truthful man," Marigold declared, "you'd know that just to look at him. There's something in his face just now "

When twenty rods distant, I hear all along the line of the forest the incessant warble of the red-eyed vireo, cheerful and happy as the merry whistle of a schoolboy. He is one of our most common and widely distributed birds.

And his thoughts went roving back to certain entertainments in London which he had given for the benefit of his wealthy friends, when he had paid as much as five or six hundred guineas in fees to famous opera singers, that they might shriek or warble, as their respective talents dictated, to crowds of indifferent loungers in his rooms, who cared no more for music than they did for religion.

The gown was a few wisps of henna-colored chiffon which fitfully blew, half concealed, half disclosed a scant slip of jade green satin. Flesh-colored stockings, Petticoat decreed, and henna slippers with carved jade buckles. "Now, her hair " he mused, leaning on his folded arms over the back of a chair. He walked slowly round Warble.