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With boxing, broadsword, and single-stick play, drill and skylarking, the hours of daylight were whiled away; and by night the men off duty would gather about the forecastle lantern to play with greasy, well-thumbed cards, or warble tender ditties to black-eyed Susans far across the Atlantic. Patriotic melodies formed no small part of Jack's musical repertoire.

He has indeed a fine, animated warble, heard nearly the year through about English gardens and along the old hedge-rows, that is quite beyond the compass of our bird's instrument.

Along the route it was nothing but tramp, tramp, tramp, and no sound or noise but the same inevitable, monotonous tramp, tramp, tramp, up hill and down hill, through long and dusty lanes, weary, wornout and hungry. No cheerful warble of a merry songster would ever greet our ears. It was always tramp, tramp, tramp.

'cause she can walk and talk and sing and dance, and yours can't do anything, can she?" asked Jamie with pride, as he regarded his Pokey, who just then had been moved to execute a funny little jig and warble the well-known couplet, "'Puss-tat, puss-tat, where you been? 'I been Lunnin, to saw a Tween."

At this hour the birds are wide awake and hungry; a hundred unknown songsters warble their native wood-notes wild. Its rival is the tsil-fui-fui-fui, or 'hair grown, meaning that his locks are too long and there is no one to cut or shave them.

So do I. I've come to tell him about a new soprano I heard at Bayreuth. He'll pretend not to care, but he does. Do you warble with him? Have you anything of a voice? Honest? You look it, you know. What are you going in for, something big? Opera?" Thea blushed crimson. "Oh, I'm not going in for anything. I'm trying to learn to sing at funerals." Ottenburg leaned forward. His eyes twinkled.

The wedges Warble brought were the very widest she could wheedle from the head pie-cutter and Warble was some wheedler, especially when she coaxed prettily for a big pieth of cuthtard. Petticoat looked at her again as she came, pie-laden. Her cap was a bit askew, but her eyes weren't.

In her haste and excitement she had forgotten to add the gown meant to go over it, and as she wore no jewels save the chased gold lingerie clasps at her shoulders, the result was a simplicity as charming as it was unintentional. And so she made a hit. That was the way things came to Warble; a hit a social success and all because she forgot to put on her frock.

Emmy, quite at ease, as this was her husband's only cause of disquiet, took his hand, and with a radiant face and smile began to warble that stanza from the favourite song of "Wapping Old Stairs," in which the heroine, after rebuking her Tom for inattention, promises "his trousers to mend, and his grog too to make," if he will be constant and kind, and not forsake her.

"Do my best," said Steve, "but they're down there in the Square now stackin' up drive impedimenta and such, red banners, and so forth, tuning up to warble the hymn to free Russia. Hurry if you want to join out with us!" "I'll do that little thing, Steve. See you again." He passed on, making a way through the jostling throng of soldiers and civilians. "Just my luck," he muttered.