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He forgot that Elsie's gentle tender ways and her overflowing sympathy might be equally attractive, but Dr. Vivian was quite used to all sorts of sick rooms, and to all sorts of nursing, and nothing was very striking to him, so that he fell in love with neither sister, though he liked them both very much.

Vivian propose to those within to appropriate the amount to their own debts." "Pardon me, Mr. Charnock, this is a very serious charge to bring on the authority of a man in a raving fever. Was any deposition taken before a magistrate?" "No," said Julius. "Mr. Lipscombe was fetched, but he was unable to speak at the time.

In the midst of these disputes, Vivian insensibly adopted more and more of the language and principles of the public men with whom he daily associated. He began to hear and talk of compensations and jobs, as they did; and to consider all measures proved to be necessary for the support of his party as expedient, if not absolutely right.

'It is a long lane that has no turning' does just as well as anything in Horace, and Virgil to boot. I say, has not Vivian been here?" Pisistratus. "No; but he will be sure to come to-day." Guy Bolding. "He has much the best berth of it.

What a pity I did not meet you yesterday! Had a little dinner at Crillon's. Harding, Vivian, and a few others. They all wished for you; 'pon my life they did." "Civil, certainly," thought I, "as I have not the honor of being known to them." "You are at Meurice's," resumed he; "a very good house, but give you bad wine, if they don't know you.

"A celebrated German writer," lisped the modest Miss Macdonald. "I never heard his name," persevered the indefatigable Boreall; "how do you spell it?" "GOETHE," re-lisped modesty. "Oh! Goty!" exclaimed the querist. "I know him well: he wrote the Sorrows of Werter." "Did he indeed, sir?" asked Vivian, with the most innocent and inquiring face.

And to their joy they heard a war cry sounding in their ears, and five Frankish Counts, cousins of Vivian and of Bertrand, galloped up. Fight they did with all their might, but none fought like Vivian. 'Heavens! what a warrior! cried the Counts as they saw his blows, while the Saracens asked themselves if the man whom they had killed at mid-day had been brought back to life by the help of devils.

"I'll give you three guesses, and I'll bet you won't hit it." "One of the Courtenay girls?" "No." "Anna Vivian?" "I know," says Beatrice, nodding her head sagely; "it is that girl who lives with the Daintrees." "Beatrice, how silly you are!" cries her mother. Tom Esterworth turns round in his chair, and looks at his niece. "By Jove, you've hit it!" he exclaims.

Something more was needed, however, to complete the situation; and to meet this exigency, I created M. Jacques Malgre, the grandfather of Jack, who had followed his daughter to America, in the belief that she had been seduced by Vivian; who had brought up Jack, hating him for his father's sake, and loving him for his mother's sake; and who dwelt year after year in the Maine village, hoping some day to wreak his vengeance upon the seducer.

She sat a little time, and asked of health, strength, and diet, until she bustled off again to see if there was a good fire in Geoffrey's room, telling Henrietta that tea would soon be ready. Henrietta's ideas of grandmammas were formed on the placid Mrs. Vivian, naturally rather indolent, and latterly very infirm, although considerably younger than Mrs.