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In two other cases, after the application of twenty leeches and the administration of an emetic and purgative medicine, I applied the lunar caustic freely over the whole surface of the knee previously moistened with water. In a few hours the cuticle was raised and vesicated; I evacuated a viscid puriform fluid, and I directed the constant application of the cold poultice and lotion.

The scab continued to spread and increase in thickness for some days, when, at its edges, a vesicated ring appeared, and the disease went through its ordinary course, the boy having had soreness in the axilla and some slight indisposition. With the fluid matter taken from his arm five persons were inoculated. In one it took no effect.

Blundel relates a curious case occurring in the times when mercury was given in great quantities, in which to relieve obstinate constipation a half ounce of crude mercury was administered and repeated in twelve hours. Scores of globules of mercury soon appeared over a vesicated surface, the result of a previous blister applied to the epigastric region.

If no marked swelling results within forty-eight hours the entire fetlock region is thoroughly vesicated and, as soon as the skin has recovered from the effects of the vesicant, pressure bandages may be employed. In these cases, subjects may be put into service after all swelling which the injection or the vesicant has produced has subsided.