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"They try to make folks be-lieve that they are ver-y ter-ri-ble, but as a mat-ter of fact the Wheel-ers are harm-less e-nough to an-y one that dares to fight them. They might try to hurt a lit-tle girl like you, per-haps, be-cause they are ver-y mis-chiev-ous. But if I had a club they would run a-way as soon as they saw me." "Haven't you a club?" asked Dorothy. "No," said Tiktok.

No, the wood one with green blinds; so it is, but I didn’t be here be-fore ev-er in my life. Now we will go in-to the house; I see a car-pet there and some chairs and some—O what a pret-ty pic-ture, and what a nice fire. I see a la-dy of ver-y pret-ty ap-pear-ance. She is a young la-dy; she has got blue eyes, she is stand-ing sideways so I can’t see noth-ing of her but one side of her face.

A ver-y fine and a-ble and handsome gen-tle-man a wonderful man." "That's a little better. And his name?" "William Somers William the Illustrious William the First 'First in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of Gloucestermen' and if you let me stand up, I'll do a break-down to show you how glad I am." "Now you're showing something like appreciation.

That's it, is it? All right, sir all right! Very well ver-y well. Now, sir, look at me! Business symptoms admitted, what about the 'partly, Stephen? what about it, eh? What about it?" But Siward fell silent again. "Eh? Did you say something? No? Oh, very well, ver-y well, sir. … Perfectly correct, Stephen. You have not earned the right to admit further symptoms.

He sat there studying and studying awhile to himself; then he asked: "How many ducats did you say?" "Eleven hundred and seven, sir." Then he said, as if he were talking to himself: "It is ver-y singular. Yes... very strange. A curious coincidence." Then he began to ask questions, and went over the whole ground from the beginning, we answering. By and by he said: "Eleven hundred and six ducats.

"What keeps it going?" Betsy inquired. "I've no idea. I only know it's there," said Quox. "The fire keeps me alive and enables me to move; also to think and speak." "Ah! You are ver-y much like my-self," said Tik-Tok. "The on-ly dif-fer-ence is that I move by clock-work, while you move by fire." "I don't see a particle of likeness between us, I must confess," retorted Quox, gruffly.

Moreover, they were vastly more enjoyable than mathematical perplexities or troublesome state and river boundaries. "Rise on toes, inhale deeply, and exhale ver-y slowly!" came the crisp command after the children had stumbled to their feet in the aisle. "One, two, three, four; one, two, three, four."

Who that has ever been at the old Anchor Tavern forgets Miranda's "A little of this fricassee?-it is ver-y nice;" or "Some of these cakes? You will find them ver-y good."

"This will never do!" said Tom, pausing and wiping his forehead; "Grip will spoil everything with his ridiculous barking, and the whole neighborhood will come to see what is the matter. Here, Grip! Here, this minute! Very well, sir! ver-y well! ex-treme-ly well! You'd better come, sir! You'd bet-ter, oh! you're coming, are you?

Who that has ever been at the old Anchor Tavern forgets Miranda's "A little of this fricassee?-it is ver-y nice;" or "Some of these cakes? You will find them ver-y good."