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You have made me ver-ry practical" Soames, who had passed through all the sensations of being choked, repeated dully: "I require you to give up this friendship." "And if I do not?" "Then then I will cut you out of my Will." Somehow it did not seem to meet the case. Annette laughed. "You will live a long time, Soames." "You you are a bad woman," said Soames suddenly.

"I say, Little-sing," he remarked, "whoever has been and done it?" "What do you mean, James?" said Mrs. Howland. "Why, the place," said Martin; "it looks sort of different." "Oh, it's Maggie," said Mrs. Howland. "She went out and bought all those cakes for you herself." "Bless me, now, did she?" said Martin. "She's a smart girl a ver-ry smart girl." "She's a very clever girl, James."

If I speak thus to you, it is because I know that you, señor, are one to understand and to trust. We shall be glad to see you. You go with Ferrero now? Ver-ry good. Juan stood up and with his cane he saluted profoundly. 'Good-by, sir. Ferrero, a Dios. He went as he came, with a rush. "Stirred up by Juan, Cogan thought of calling that very night on Luis Roca and his family.

You have made me ver-ry practical" Soames, who had passed through all the sensations of being choked, repeated dully: "I require you to give up this friendship." "And if I do not?" "Then then I will cut you out of my Will." Somehow it did not seem to meet the case. Annette laughed. "You will live a long time, Soames." "You you are a bad woman," said Soames suddenly.

"The ver-ry same Hal and Buck and a brood of young hellions they have raised." "But why should they kidnap Mr. Dingwell? If they had anything against him, why wouldn't they kill him?" "If the Rutherfords have got him it is because he knows something they want to know. Listen, and I'll tell you what I think."

"Very good ver-ry good but for the present you may listen. Now, Mr. Denney " she turned to Solon with the latest Argus in her hand, "perusing your sheet, my eye lights upon this sentence: " "'Lige Brackett Sundayed in our midst. He reports a busy time of Fall ploughing over Bethel way. "Why 'Sundayed, Mr. Denney?" She smiled brightly, almost archly, at Solon.

Who were they and what were they? You are certainly well educated." "My father and an old woman whom he hired, in London, have taught me what they could. I studied hard because I had so little else to do. It helped me in my loneliness. Ah, I was ver-ry lonely, ach! in London!" "Had you no friends?" "I had my father and my M'riarrr." "Did no one ever visit you from Germany?"

"Anna," she said to the attentive girl, "tell me about your family in Germany." "My family?" said Anna. "There is no family of mine, now, left in Germany. My father he is here with me, my mother died when I was very young. I can remember her a little, but so little that it makes my heart ache, for it is so ver-ry little." "I mean about your grandfather and grandmother.

No one likes to have his house-keeping arrangements too closely scrutinized. "Friedrich, this list is going to help you ver-ry much to know what you must or-rder from the how you call him?" She appealed to John and Bob in turn. "The grocy?" Friedrich smiled to conceal his irritation. "My way, Hilda, is to get more of something when I find empty the box that holds it.

"She put them in her trunk last night. I crept upstairs and watched her, for the children said she had them in her pocket. The large and middle-sized girls must not see them till the entertainment, but the little girls keep saying they are like the ones the little white visitor that wore the dress that was pink dim-i-ty, had on. Ver-ry white-minded shoes!