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He had not the magic of Constantine's name behind him, and was prevented by Valentinian's toleration from buying support with the spoils of the temples. Under these circumstances, he could hardly do otherwise than support the Homoeans. Heathenism had failed in Julian's hands, and an Anomoean course was out of the question.

Valentinian's second wife was named Justina; and when he died, as it is said, from breaking a blood-vessel in a fit of rage, in 375, the Western Empire was shared between her little son Valentinian and Gratian.

Another great and holy man of this time was Ambrose, the Archbishop of Milan, who was the guide and teacher of Gratian, Valentinian's eldest son, a good and promising youth so far as he went, but who, after the habit of the time, was waiting to be baptized till he should be further on in life.

He laid claim to one-half of the Western Empire, as the betrothed husband of Valentinian's sister Honoria, from whom he had years before received the offer of her hand in marriage. In 451, with Genseric, King of the Vandals, for his ally, he invaded Gaul.

The next year he demanded that Valentinian's sister, Honoria, should be given to him, and when she was refused, he led his host into Italy and destroyed all the beautiful cities of the north.

In like manner, it is enacted in one of Constantine's laws that the haruspices should not exercise their art in private; and there is a law of Valentinian's against nocturnal sacrifices or magic.

On what conditions did Theodosius make peace with Maximus? Were these conditions observed? How did the war between Theodosius and Maximus terminate? Did Valentinian long survive his restoration? How did Theodosius act on the news of Valentinian's murder? What caused the death of Theodosius? With eye of flame, and voice of fear, He comes, the breaker of the spear, The scorner of the shield! Anon.

To whom was the government entrusted during Valentinian's minority? By whom were the Vandals invited to Africa? What was the fate of Boniface? How were the Huns instigated to invade Italy? Under what circumstances did Attila die? Of what great crimes was Valentinian III. guilty? How was Valentinian slain? What strange prophecy was now about to be fulfilled?

If only the two sets of malcontents could form a union with each other and with the older Nicenes of Egypt and the West, they would sooner or later be the arbiters of Christendom. If they could secure Valentinian's intercession, they might obtain religious freedom at once. Such seems to have been the plan laid down by the man who was now succeeding Athanasius as leader of the Nicene party.

Puppet Valentinian succeeded his father, puppet Honorius. In his days appeared another great portent another comet, sweeping down out of infinite space, and back into infinite space again. Attila and his Huns. They lay in innumerable hordes upon the Danube, until Honoria, Valentinian's sister, confined in a convent at Constantinople for some profligacy, sent her ring to Attila.