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"I met at Geneva an Englishman, who was as morose as myself. We vented our spleen in common and were both bored together. We travelled thus through the Oberland and the best part of Valais; we were often rolled up in our travelling robes in the depths of the carriage, and fast asleep when the most beautiful points of interest were in sight.

The oppressed peasantry revolted as early as 1790 against the ruling cities, the vassal against the aristocrat, in Schaffhausen, on account of the tithes; in Lower Valais, on account of the tyranny of one of the provincial governors. These petty outbreaks and an attempt made by Laharpe to render the Vaud independent of Berne were suppressed, A.D. 1791.

Neither Germans nor Britons had come to their aid; and in Belgica the presence of Labienus had sufficed to prevent the renewal of the conflicts of the previous year. Establishment of Communications with Italy by the Valais

His advice was of great service when we were visiting the Borromean Islands, where my acquaintances parted from my wife and myself to travel back by the nearest route, whereas we intended proceeding further across the Simplon and through Le Valais to Chamounix. From the fatigue my tour had so far occasioned me, I felt that it would be some time before I started on a similar one again.

In the same sense I have sent out invitations right and left, especially to Joachim, who had already promised me his visit for the summer, and whom I have asked to arrange so as to be here about that time; he might in that case do a little in the "festivalling" line in Valais.

The fact, however, is, that the inhabitants of the Valais are in general a strong and healthy race, but that these two unfortunate maladies are here in greater frequency than in any other country. Our next stage, after leaving Martigny, was St.

When will the Musical Festival in Canton Valais take place, and how long shall you stay there? Again only a few lines in reply, dear Franz. You of course will not doubt for a moment that I feel sincerely grateful to you for the energy with which you take care of my interest with Hulsen. Let us "save the soul;" then the body also will fare best. I return Hulsen's letter to you.

I am going to Canton Valais in a few days, but intend to be back soon. I have no money for roaming about, and while I am enjoying my work nothing else attracts me. The "Valkyrie" has been begun, and now I shall go at it in good style. How curious these contrasts are I mean, between the first love scene of the "Valkyrie" and that of the "Rhinegold." Brendel must have surprised you.

Herr Châtelain," cried the bailiff, "and in a manner to send repentance like a dagger into the criminal's soul. What is thought and said in Valais we echo in Vaud, and I would not that any I love stood in thy shoes, Maso, for the honors of the emperor!" "Signori, you have both spoken, and it is as men whom fortune hath favored since childhood.

All who have journeyed through the narrow and water-worn vineyards and meadows which are washed by the Rhone, ere that river pours its tribute into the Lake of Leman, have seen some such site, occupied by one who has devoted his life to seclusion and the altar, overhanging the village of St. Maurice, in the Canton of le Valais.