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Indeed, the unhappy consequences of the political disputes at home, the instability of the administration, and the frequent revolutions in our councils, were strongly manifested by that langour infused into all our military operations, and general unsteadiness in our pursuits. Faction, in the mother-country, produced divisions and misconduct in the colonies.

While sitting at the root of a tree, his thoughts, O thou of great intelligence, abandoning all those great feats, turned towards that which is subtle. """Alarka said, 'My mind has become strong. Having conquered the mind, one's conquest becomes permanent. Since in consequence of its unsteadiness, it sets all mortals to accomplish acts, I shall shoot very sharp-pointed shafts at the mind.

The tree is known by its fruits, and the fruits of chance are incoherence, incompleteness, unsteadiness, the stammering utterance of blind, unreasoning force.

He glanced at her as he spoke, but she gave no sign, only remarking it was a lovely season of the year for a visit. They walked along, talking only commonplaces, until they neared her home. "Did you receive my letter, Miss Gra Miss Hall?" he asked, with some unsteadiness in his voice. "Yes," she replied, shortly.

A beginner who is put on a properly made saddle and suitable horse, and is taught the right principles of riding, will make more progress in a month than she would otherwise do in, say, five years. The artificiality of side-saddle riding extends even to the horse, which must be free from certain faults, such as unsteadiness in mounting, that would not render him unsuitable to carry a male rider.

Indolence of will, facility of disposition, unsteadiness of purpose, inconsiderate impulses without perseverance, had all betokened an inherent weakness, which the Earl's cure, ambition, had been powerless to remedy; but duty had been effectual in drawing strength out of what had been feeble by nature.

Her face showed plain signs, poor soul, of a wakeful and tearful night. But she claimed no indulgence on that account. When she spoke of her dead husband excepting a slight unsteadiness in her voice she controlled herself with a courage which was at once pitiable and admirable to see. "You both know," she began, "that Mr. Wagner was a man who thought for himself.

"And might have left his property so respectable, to them that's never been used to extravagance or unsteadiness in no manner of way and not so poor but what they could have saved every penny and made more of it. And me the trouble I've been at, times and times, to come here and be sisterly and him with things on his mind all the while that might make anybody's flesh creep.

She had studied her part for the occasion. She would not say a harsh word, and now she endeavoured to meet him with a smile. 'Mother, he said, 'you up at this hour! His face was flushed, and she thought that there was some unsteadiness in his gait. She had never seen him tipsy, and it would be doubly terrible to her if such should be his condition. 'I could not go to bed till I had seen you.

I must, however, adhere to my most earnest conviction that any wavering in purpose or unsteadiness in methods, so far from avoiding or reducing the inconvenience inseparable from the transition from an irredeemable to a redeemable paper currency, would only tend to increased and prolonged disturbance in values, and unless retrieved must end in serious disorder, dishonor, and disaster in the financial affairs of the Government and of the people.