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Grotait's men, having well surveyed the ground, now crept softly up to the porch, and examined the lock. The key was inside, and they saw no means of forcing the lock without making a noise, and putting their victim on his guard. After a long whispered consultation, they resolved to unscrew the hinges.

The doctor said the man was evidently alive, but the chances were that he might die from suffocation before they could unscrew all the screws of the outside box and the coffin, and he said he didn't know but the best way would be to take an ax and break it open.

Now, if you will unscrew that clock, I think you will find there's a stove-pipe hole behind it; and a piece of pipe shoved into the chimney just far enough to catch the drops as they gather and fall." Chauncey went to work. He sweated in the airless room. The powerful screws blunted the lips of his tool but would not start. "I guess I'll have to give it up for to-day.

"Is the top made to unscrew, or what, sir?" asked a third. "Seems fixed on pretty tight." "I can't say. Probably it has not been removed for some time." "It's a goodish weight," said the chief humorist, after handling it. "What's inside of it, sir sardines?" "I don't represent it as having anything inside it," said the auctioneer. "If you want to know my opinion, I think there's money in it."

Only remember how emphatically the Apostle here puts these two things together, 'joy and peace in believing. As long as, and not a moment longer than, you are exercising the Christian act of trust, will you be experiencing the Christian blessedness of 'joy and peace. Unscrew the pipe, and in an instant the water ceases to flow. Touch the button and switch off, and out goes the light.

Here, a lathy young man, bent sideways over a spar, was struggling, with a very red face, to right himself, while a stout teacher held him down; there, a corpulent gentleman, in the hands of five robust assistants, was having his body violently revolved upon the base of his hip joints, as if they were trying to unscrew him from his legs; and yonder again, an individual, suspended by his arms from a cross-bar, had his feet held up and his legs stretched apart by another, while a third pounded vigorously with closed fists upon his seat of honour.

And to the undertaker, "Take out that coffin, unscrew that lid." "Young man, I say unto thee, arise!" And the latter should step from the coffin, and in one moment after hold his mother in his arms.

I recall the fine scorn with which one of our professors, Chauvenet, a man of great and acknowledged ability, practical and other, used to speak of "practical men." "Now, young gentlemen, in adjusting your theodolites in the field, remember not to bear too hard on the screws. Don't put them down with main force, as though the one object was never to unscrew them.

Chinese screws turn from right to left, which is the opposite way to our own, and of this I had a practical demonstration when, on returning one morning from the mountains, a chair-coolie surreptitiously abstracted my flask from the tiffin-basket and tried to unscrew the stopper to get at the whisky, but being ignorant of the different method, he in reality screwed it on tighter, till at last it broke off, and when some hours later, on board the steamer, I discovered my ruined flask, an array of teeth-marks deeply imbedded in the metal plainly told the guilty tale.

"No, he's not; I see his lips move," said Joe Baldwin, aiding Edgar to unscrew the helmet. This was soon removed, and a frightful sight was revealed to the spectators. Maxwell's face and neck were quite livid and swelled out to an almost bursting extent; blood was flowing profusely from his mouth and ears, and his eyes protruded horribly, as if they had been nearly forced out of their sockets.