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"Even if anyone wants to take him alive. Pass the word to your friends, Breslin, unless you want them to take part in a deliberate, foreplanned murder." "Damn you, what do you mean?" shouted the sheriff. "By God, sir, I mean just what I say!" "Why, girls!" said Pringle. "You shock me! This is most unladylike. This is scandalous talk. Be nice! Please pretty please!

"He made me wait; he didn't come; I hate him. I'll never speak to him again. He hurt my feelings. He is a beast." "Elizabeth! You mustn't use such unladylike words! When I was a young lady I never even heard such words. Oh, my lamb, if you don't control your temper, something dreadful will happen to you some day!" "I hope something dreadful will happen to him some day," said Elizabeth.

"Well," said Sadie, "I understand what you are waiting for. You think I was very rude and unladylike in my replies to you during that last interesting ride we took. You think I jumped at unwarrantable conclusions, and used some unnecessarily sharp words. I think so myself, and if it will be of any service to you to know it, I don't mind telling you in the least."

I am careful to tell you how I acted toward him, and what led to it; because I understand that he is excessively offended with me, and that he is likely to mention elsewhere what he calls my unladylike violence toward him. If he should mention it to you, I am anxious to acknowledge, of my own accord, that I forgot myself not, I hope you will think, without some provocation.

But here was the extraordinary thing that sent him over the neighbourhood canvassing for exclamations: on the fourth page was the outline of a lovely feminine hand, holding a pen, as in the act of shading, and under it these words: 'What I say is, I say I think it exceedingly unladylike.

A new proclamation from Butler has just come. It seems that the ladies have an ugly way of gathering their skirts when the Federals pass, to avoid any possible contact. Some even turn up their noses. Unladylike, to say the least. But it is, maybe, owing to the odor they have, which is said to be unbearable even at this early season of the year.

In the east rooms the criticism was still more severe. Julius railed for an hour ere he finally decided that he never saw a more suspicious, unladylike, uncharitable, unchristianlike girl than Charlotte Sandal! "I am glad to get away from her a little while," he cried; "how can she be your sister, Sophia?" So glad was he to get away, that he left before Charlotte came down in the morning.

The echo of her rude laughter as she performed this unladylike feat was heard down the passage. Sam was seated in front of an open window smoking a cigar. When he saw Carrie he removed it from his mouth and came forward in a somewhat nonchalant way to meet her. "Now, Car," he said, "what's up? Any news? Can we have a jolly time next Sunday?"

When at last he made his way back through the crowds to his yellow phaeton, he was not entirely surprised to find that the back seat was already occupied by two giggling females, who were exchanging most unladylike repartees with the attendant grooms. "You young rascals!" he remarked, over his shoulder, as he gathered up his reins. The two females tittered loudly.

Elizabeth came out a second time into the alley, and made the best of her way home. Henchard's chiding, by begetting in her a nervous fear of doing anything definable as unladylike, had operated thus curiously in keeping them unknown to each other at a critical moment.