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Aggie's neatly rounded jaw dropped in a gape of surprise that was most unladylike. "You are going to live on in this joint with us?" she questioned, aghast. "Of course." The reply was given with the utmost of certainty. Aggie presented the crux of the matter. "Where will hubby live?" There was no lessening of the bride's composure as she replied, with a little shrug. "Anywhere but here."

He kissed her hand, as if it were a queen's, and went on his way, thinking of the little daughter whose death left him childless in a foreign land. Debby softly began to sing, "Oh, come unto the yellow sands!" but stopped in the middle of a line, to say, "Shall I tell you why I did what Aunt Pen would call a very unladylike and improper thing, Mr. Evans?"

Jeanne, after telling us what she had said, added that she liked very much to hear old Therese talk. Whereupon Mademoiselle Prefere reproached her for expressing such unladylike tastes. I tried to excuse her by citing the example of Moliere. Just at that moment it came to pass that, while climbing the ladder to get a book, she upset a whole shelf-row.

"So there've been more of those investigations I don't know about!" she observed, her voice taking on an edge. "Uh-huh," the Commissioner said cautiously. "How many?" "Seven." Trigger flushed, straightened up, eyes blazing, and pronounced a very unladylike word. "Excuse me," she added a moment later. "I got carried away." "Perfectly all right," said the Commissioner.

The cockerels might fear the Rooster, but Henrietta certainly didn't. She considered him a good deal of a braggart. Indeed, she even had an idea that she could have whipped him herself, had she cared to be so unladylike as to fight. "I've been bothered for a long time because you crow so early in the morning. You make such a racket that you wake me up every day." The Booster hemmed and hawed.

And now we have come to the last occupant of the room a young lady, seated in very unladylike fashion on the rug, and so little changed that in the fresh bright countenance we have no difficulty in recognizing our old friend Nellie Latimer.

Sitting in the saloon at night after a game of chess, in which, perchance, I had been the victor, I felt complacent and would sometimes say: "Well, what have I said or done to-day open to criticism?" So, in the most gracious manner, he replied on one occasion: "You went to the masthead in a chair, which I think very unladylike.

No one was likely to play at blind man's buff and hare and hounds in that house; and even her poor attempt at throwing her gloves or a pen-wiper against the wall, and catching them in the rebound, and her scampers up- stairs two steps at once, and runs down with a leap down the last four steps, were summarily stopped, as unladylike, and too noisy for Aunt Jane.

I won't play with you any more, Lord Silverbridge, because I am beginning to think it is unladylike to exert myself." "Are you not glad you came over?" said Lady Mabel to him as he was going off the ground almost without seeing her. "Pretty well," he said. "Is not that better than stalking?" "Lawn-tennis?" "Yes; lawn-tennis, with Miss Boncassen." "She plays uncommonly well." "And so do you."

The mother and sisters of the rebel crowded around him, to say good-by; and, in spite of the unladylike, and even insulting manner with which they had treated him, Frank could not help pitying them. When the mate had seen the prisoner safe on the boat, he went back, and Frank continued his search.