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"But they might unfasten the cable, or cut it," said Baragat, who was standing by. "That could easily be prevented," said the boy. "At their end of the cable must be a stout chain which they cannot cut, and it must be fastened so far beneath the surface of the water that they will not be able to reach it to unfasten it." "A most excellent plan," said Captain Covajos; "let it be carried out."

Close on a quarter of an hour went by until at last he jumped to his feet, with the sudden cry of "To Genappe!" Berthier heaved a sigh of relief and Bertrand hurried out to unfasten the horses.

Trot, who was much annoyed at the treatment she had received, did not hesitate to seat herself also in a big easy chair. "Slave!" cried Princess Cerulia, "Fetch me a mirror." "Slave!" cried Princess Turquoise, "A lock of my hair is loosened; bind it up." "Slave!" cried Princess Cobalt, "Unfasten my shoes; they're too tight."

"Nadine," she called, in her grave, melodious voice, and a young girl, almost a child, sprang from a low divan hidden in a corner. "Nadine, take off my cloak and unfasten my hair. Then you can leave me: it is late, and I am tired." The little maid obeyed, helped her mistress to put on a silken dressing gown, and loosened the masses of her hair.

I wish you to go. Dixon did not know whether to resent these decided words or to cry; either course would have done with her mistress: but, as she said to herself, 'Miss Margaret has a touch of the old gentleman about her, as well as poor Master Frederick; I wonder where they get it from? and she, who would have resented such words from any one less haughty and determined in manner, was subdued enough to say, in a half humble, half injured tone: 'Mayn't I unfasten your gown, miss, and do your hair?

I paused, aware all at once of an intense drowsiness. O'Keefe, yawning, reached down to unfasten his puttees. "Lord, I'm sleepy!" he exclaimed. "Can't understand it what you say most interesting Lord!" he yawned again; straightened. "What made Reddy take such a shine to the Russian?" he asked. "Thanaroa," I answered, fighting to keep my eyes open. "What?"

Wonderingly, the boys followed him. It took nearly a minute to unfasten the various bolts and bars, but at last the portal swung open. The place was dimly lighted by a single big lamp, but in the glare of it the boys caught sight of a strange, weird object. It looked like an immense cigar, and swayed slowly back and forward. It seemed to be covered with a net-work of cords.

She looked up, half-amused and half-bewildered, as if doubting whether I was in earnest or not. But in her perplexity, she permitted me to unfasten it, and slip it down from her shoulders. I easily got possession of it; and, sinking down on my knees in the crowd, I rose apparently in the habit of one of the worshippers.

And I said to him, "My good sir, you'd better first unfasten the hooks on your collar. Or else, God have mercy on us you'll sneeze. Ah, what would happen to you! what would happen to you! You'd break off, like a mushroom ... and I should have to answer for it!" And they do drink, these military gentlemen oh, oh, oh!

I take it into my library, and there untie the ribbons and unfasten the paper wrappings; and I see what? a log! a first-class log! a real Christmas log, but so light that I know it must be hollow. Then I find that it is indeed composed of two separate pieces, opening on hinges, and fastened with hooks. I slip the hooks back, and find myself inundated with violets!