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Nariaki looked at Mike the Angel and shook his head slowly. "Either you're working your way toward a court-martial or else you know where Black Bart has the body buried." "I should," said Mike cryptically. "I helped him bury it. How do I get to His Despotic Majesty's realm?" Nariaki considered. "It'll take you five or six minutes. Take the tubeway to Stage Twelve.

Of course, you could go by tube, but it would take longer because of the by-pass." "Good enough. I'll take the short cut. See you. And thanks." The underground tubeway shot Mike the Angel across five miles of track at high speed. Mike left the car at Stage Twelve and headed up the stairway and down the corridor to a heavy double door marked freight loading.

The Guesser decided he'd take the tubeway; at the Class Three bar, he might be able to talk someone into driving him to the spaceport later. But five minutes later, he was walking in the direction the bartender had told him to take for finding Mallard's on foot. To get to the tubeway was a four-block walk, and then there would be another long walk after he got off.

"Private booth, best of everything, perfect privacy " The Guesser shook his head quickly. "No. Just tell me how to get to Mallard's." The barman looked at him for a moment, rubbing a fingertip across his chin, then he said: "You're not driving, I suppose, sir? No? Well, then, you can either take the tubeway or walk, sir...." He let the sentence hang, waiting for The Guesser's decision.