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Spalding's latest tidings as to the Trevelyans had been received through "Lady Peterborough" from Nora Rowley. "Lady Peterborough" was at the present moment at Naples, but was expected to pass north through Florence in a day or two. They, the Spaldings themselves, were kept in Florence in this very hot weather by this circumstance.

In 1806 Dr. Mitford takes his daughter, who was then about nineteen, to the North to visit his relations; they are entertained by the grandparents of the Trevelyans and the Swinburnes, the Ogles and the Mitfords of the present day. They fish in Sir John Swinburne's lake, they visit at Alnwick Castle.

Duc d'Aumale, Granvilles, Malmesburys, Carlingford, G. Trevelyans, and others. 23rd. Philobiblon breakfast at Gibbs's. Duc d'Aumale, Duke of Albany. To Military Tournament with Lady Malmesbury. 25th. Duke of Cleveland's dinner to Duc d'Aumale. Duke of Grafton, Lady Cork. From the Comte de Paris Chateau d'Eu, 16 juin.

MacHugh, and there the matter was very much discussed. The family of the Trevelyans was known by name in these parts, and the fact of Mrs.

Myers for two pounds of bologna and a dog bone on the night we dined at the Trevelyans'!" "It comes mighty close to libel," fumed Wilbram. "How do they dare! You must see Worthington Oakes about this, Abe." "I certainly will," he vowed. He certainly did, as Mr. Worthington Oakes, the publisher of the Bee, will testify. In the front office on the editorial floor he saw Mr.

Captain Trevelyan's return was now to be associated with new and varied interest in the interior and exterior management of this pleasant home. Fanny Trevelyan was cheered by the hope of her brother's presence. Company would now be entertained in a manner creditable to the former hospitality which distinguished the Trevelyans.

And we are in a fair way, it seems, of lowering the price of modern pictures, as he bids us, to "not more than £500 for an oil picture and £100 for a water-colour." After a visit to the Trevelyans at Wallington he went with his parents to Scotland; for his mother, now beginning to grow old, wanted to revisit the scenes of her youth.

The Trevelyans Fyfes, and Forsters were at the hotel on the other side of the ferry. We were there forty-five days. I went back to town by Greenock on September 21st. Meanwhile the course of the war was most eventful. On August 6th the battle of Woerth was won by the Prussians, followed by a series of French defeats. On September 2nd Macmahon and the Emperor capitulated at Sedan.

The saddest day I ever remember was the one on which I helped to lay my two unknown kinsmen in the family vault of the Trevelyans. It was all over. The morning, with its sad office, had passed; the servants had gone back to their work; the blinds were drawn up, and light once more found its way into the darkened house.

"I have been ill and occupied," he said, "and have heard nothing of the Trevelyans since I left Edgerton. However, if my evidence and solemn assurance are of any service, you have them. They were properly and legally married; nothing in the world can upset that fact." "So it seems," said Sir John, with a deep sigh, "Edgar, you have lost Crown Anstey."