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"Sir Launcelot being informed of this barbarous act of avarice, and having some ground that bordered on the lawyer's estate, not only rendered him contemptible and infamous, by exposing him as often as they met on the grand jury, but also, being vested with the property of the great tithe, proved such a troublesome neighbour, sometimes by making waste among his hay and corn, sometimes by instituting suits against him for petty trespasses, that he was fairly obliged to quit his habitation, and remove into another part of the kingdom.

I can do no better with it than simply read it: 'Ye were dead in trespasses and sins; wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh' mark the allusion to the other words that we have been referring to 'in the children of disobedience. So there you have the alternative, either 'dead in trespasses and sins, whilst living the physical and the intellectual life, or partaking of the life of Him 'who was dead, and is alive for ever more'; either 'walking according to the course of this world, which is 'disobedience' and 'wrath, or walking 'according to the power that worketh in us'; either 'putting on, or rather continuing to wear, 'the old man which is corrupt according to the lusts which deceive, or 'putting on the new man, which according to God is created in righteousness and holiness and truth. The choice is before us.

'It's said in t' Bible, Sylvie, that we're to forgive. 'Ay, there's some things as I know I niver forgive; and there's others as I can't and I won't, either. 'But, Sylvie, yo' pray to be forgiven your trespasses, as you forgive them as trespass against you. 'Well, if I'm to be taken at my word, I'll noane pray at all, that's all.

Becky, does you say your prayers? Now I do, since the captain taught me, and I know that I axes God to forgive me my trespasses as I forgive others as trespasses against me; and I'll moreover make bold to declare that the captain says that prayer every night of his life, and has said it too, blow high or blow low, ever since he was a little chap on his mother's knee.

But Gordon had learned what it means to say "Forgive us our trespasses." And not only that, but he had taken the sorrows of the unhappy people of China into his heart. Whatever their rulers might do, he felt he could not desert them. He must free them from the cruelties of their oppressors, the Tae-Pings, before he went home to his own land. In February 1864 Gordon again took command.

But the petition "Forgive us our trespasses," falling in so apposite after they had themselves forgiven the immediate author of their miseries, sounded like an absolution. Tea was taken on deck in the time of the sunset, and not long after the five castaways castaways once more lay down to sleep. Day dawned windless and hot.

The beasts and the camels stood still, and, beat them as their drivers would, they refused to budge from the spot, but crouched down upon the ground. Then the Ishmaelites spake to one another, and said: "Why hath God brought this upon us? What are our sins, what our trespasses, that such things befall us?"

In respect to God they are insensible and dead; dead in trespasses and sins, and the only hope for them is, that God will quicken them; that is, give them life and feeling; and then, if I say just the same things to them, they will listen seriously and attentively, and will really desire to please God.

And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; But deliver us from evil. Amen. The Collect.

Can God love such a one as me? My answer is, If God loved the whole world when it was dead in trespasses and sins, and NOT trying to be better, much more will he love you who are not dead in trespasses and sins, and are trying to be better. If he were not still helping you; if his Spirit were not with you, you would care no more to become better than a dog or an ox cares.